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Ansible tutorial

Tutorial for ansible, following Jay LaCroix on LearLinuxTV


Install openssh-server on servers.
Install openssh-client on ansible server.
Generate personal key, password protected and ansible key with out password on the ansible servers. Install public keys on the servres.
Install git on ansible server.
config git, e.g.
git config --global "full name"
git config --global
git config --global core.autocrlf input or create a .gitattributes file in project root..
Create repository, e.g either on github or own git server.
Install public password åprotected key in git repository server. SSH clone repository. Change to git project

Created inventory of hosts
Created ansible.cfg:
nano ansible.cfg

inventory = inventory  
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_ansible  

Runing a few ad-hoc commands to see if it's working

ansible all  -m ping # A ping pong test  
ansible all --list-host # lists the hosts in the inventory file  
ansible all -m gather_facts # reports facts about the hosts in the invetory file  
ansible all -m gather_facts --limit # same as above but only for nimbus102  

Part 5 - Runing elevated ad-hoc commands

Note this requiers that the user on the remote server are allowed to use sudo.,e.g. belongs to the sudo group Can be achived with following command as root on each server in the inventory list:
usermod -aG sudo username

Now try following:

ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true # Fails needs sudo  

The --become -> ask to be somebody else.
The --ask-become-pass -> ask for password e.g. sudo

ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true --become --ask-become-pass # works  

Check /var/log/apt on a apointed server. To install packages:

ansible all -m apt -a name=vim-nox --become --ask-become-pass  
ansible all -m apt -a name=tmux --become --ask-become-pass  

The above will install the packages if not already installed.

ansible all -m apt -a name=tmux --become --ask-become-pass  

The above will fail because tmux is already installed.

ansible all -m apt -a "name=tmux state=latest" --become --ask-become-pass  

The above will install lastest version if available and belongs to a "higher version"
The below will upgrade to new version, if avaiable.

ansible all -m apt -a "upgrade=dist" --become --ask-become-pass  

Part 06 - Writing your first playbook

Added support for install and remove apache. It also add php support for apache management.
See files install_apache.yml and remove_apache.yml

Part 07 - The 'when' conditional

Added Centos server and install of apache and php support for CentOS.

The ansible when: statment can be rewritten as:

when: ansible_distribution in ["Debian", "Ubuntu"]  

to work for both distributions. Other variants are possible, e.g.

when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_versions == "8.3"  

to pin point a specifict distribution and its version. In fact any variable from gather facts command,

ansible all -m gather_facts  

can be used in logical expression as a when selector. Another example:

ansible all -m gather_facts --limit | grep ansible_distribution  
    "ansible_distribution": "CentOS",  
    "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,  
    "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/redhat-release",  
    "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "RedHat",  
    "ansible_distribution_major_version": "8",  
    "ansible_distribution_release": "NA",  
    "ansible_distribution_version": "8.3",  

Note:CentOS do not start the httpd servcie automatically or fix the firewall. I set up the CentOS as a container in proxmox, ANd had to separately add user and sudo, sudoers and openssh client and server and ssh keys. THe container used didn't have firewall so that was skipped. These things could of courser be automated as well.

Part 08 - Improving your playbook

Reorganisation of playbook. The two playbooks, install_apache.yml and remove_apache.yml are refactored. To get that to work the the inventory file is changed as well to contain variable assignments per host that is used in the playbooks.

Part 09 - Targeting specific nodes (hosts)

Targeting specific nodes(hosts). Groupes of host is introduced in the inventory file. A site.yml file was created that have tasks to be executed by all hostsand groups of task to excecuted of only by the hosts that belonged to the specific group. The groups introduced was web_servers, file_servers and db_servers.

Note the tasks in the hosts all section was changed to pre_task to ensure that this task is executed before the all other host section's tasks in the file.

Taks changethe inventory to contain the grouups definition and the host variables. To get the remove_apache work again. Also chnaged the site.yml to enable an start the httpd service on CentOS machines.

Part 10 - Tags

Added tags to site.yml inorder to not run all task.

ansible-playbook --list-tags site.yml  

Lists available tags in a playbook named site.yml

To run task that are marked with a tag use:

ansible-playbook --tags centos --ask-become-pass site.yml  

To run task that are marked with tags use:

ansible-playbook --tags "centos,web_server" --ask-become-pass site.yml  

Part 11 - Managing Files

Created a default_site.html file in a new subdirectory called files and created a new task under web servers that copied the default_site.html file to /var/www/html/index.html on the webservers and assing owner and grouop to root and change the file mode to 0644.

The subdirectory files is a default directory for the ansible copy module.

Created a new group called workstations were two task were created. The first task install the unzip package which is needed by the ansible unarchive module. The second task use the unarchive module to fetch a zipfile from the internet, e.g. the terraform, see url:
for current download links. Then ansible unzip this file to /usr/local/bin and change group and ownership and file mode.

Finaly the the hosts in the worksations group was added to the inventory file.
Note that the ansible public ssh key was added to the workstations before the playbok was used.

Part 12 - Managing services

The ansible module service was introduced to start a service. There is also an systemd module. Further more module lineinfile was introduced and the register statement to demonstrate how to only run when a change was made. Note the variable used in the register statement is a toggle thus using is twice is a bad idea because that is interpreted as no change.

Also be observant on the lineinfile statement may result in multiple chnages when the playbook is executed again, thus erronous changes will be performed and conditional task may be executed again.

Part 13 - Adding users and bootstrapping

This part one is realy good!
Added simone user, bootstrap script, and separated bootstrap task from site.yml into bootstrap.yml. Also added ssh key for user simone to all machines in inventory. The file ansible.cfg was updated as well. Running bootstrap requiers password, e.g.

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass bootstrap.yml  

Then run, e.g. with no password. The ssh ansible keey must be keept safe.

ansible-playbook site.yml  

Part 14 - Roles

Major refactoring, The site.yml is splitted into different roles. This is done by creating a subdirectory named rools in that subdirectory a directory for each role is created and under each role a task directory is created. In each task directory a main.yml file is created that contains the tasks for that role. Which are copyied from the original site.yml corresponding section. This is repeated for each role. Then the site.yml is changed to contain a definition for each role, e.g.

- hosts: workstations
  become: true  
    - workstations  

Note that special care must be taken regarding the spacin in the main.yml files. The tasks are left justified, e.g. the - name starts in the left most column following lines are changed accordingly.

Roles that have files that are copied, need to have a files directory at the same level as the task directory. The files directory contains the file(s) to be copied. Thus the original src does not have to be changed.

Part 15 - Host variables and handlers

The host_vars directory was added and it containa a yml file for each host in the inventory . Each yml file contain variables for that host.

In this case it is mostly variables for the difference between naimn of apache between Ubuntu and CentOS.

A handler directory was added with a main.yml file that gets notofied from a specific changes in the web_servers task. It task is to restart th apache service if the config file is updated. Notify and handlers is a better way than using register statemetn because it avoid the risc of missing toogle variables.

Part 16 - Series finale - templates

Added sshd template, sshd handler, and host variables for sshd.


Tutorial for ansible






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