This registry features packages for tooling not yet available in the official registry. Hence, installing packages from this unofficial registry is not supported by Mason maintainers.
To source packages from this registry, ensure your setup call to mason.nvim
reflects the following table value to the registries
require('mason').setup {
registries = {
It's important that additional registries appear in first in the table as Mason package lookups resolve with the first registry featuring a matched package name.
Once properly configured, call :MasonUpdate
to refresh registries registered
with Mason.
A third-party LSP for Fish shell maintained by ndonfris.
Once installed, you can evoke the LSP server directly:
vim.lsp.start {
cmd = { 'fish-language-server', 'start' }
cmd_env = { fish_lsp_show_client_popups = false },
name = 'fish-language-server',
root_dir = vim.fs.root(0, { '' })
Or fallback to nvim-lspconfig
if you have that installed for client configuration instead
of doing so yourself.