Introduce CSP into Swift, inspired by Golang
required Swift 5.0 or higher
This is not a stable version0.2.0
, so please do not use it in production environment.
Please feel free to summit a PR or an Issue.
- Goroutines (lighter than threads)
- FIFO channel (with or without buffer)
- Select on channels (with or without default)
- Basic tool (Timer&Ticker, WaitGroup)
as a dependency in your Package.swift
import SwiftGo
- new goroutine
// create a new goroutine running in concurrent
go {
// doing something here
- send and receive
// create a Int channel without buffer
let ch = Chan<Int>()
// create a Int channel with 10 capacity buffer
// let ch = Chan<Int>(10)
go {
// ch <- 1
$0.send(to: ch, data: 1)
print("send ok")
go {
// var data = <-ch
let data = $0.receive(from: ch)
print("received \(data!)")
- select
let ch1 = Chan<Int>()
let ch2 = Chan<Float>(12)
let ch3 = Chan<String>()
go {
// select on cases
Case(ch1, .send(data: Int.random(in: 0...10))),
Case(ch2, .send(data: Float.random(in: 0...5.0)) {
print("send to ch2")
Case(ch3, .receive { data in
print("receive str: \(data!)")
// continue do something here
go {
// select with default
Case(ch1, .send(data: Int.random(in: 0...10))),
Case(ch2, .send(data: Float.random(in: 0...5.0)) {
print("send to ch2")
default: {
// continue do something here
It uses Dispatch to dispatch goroutines
instead of Threads
Similar to the role of GMP in Golang.
It will use Atomics to replace NSLocker
for select race(which does not support Windows yet)
SwiftGo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License for the full license text.