A bootcamp program covering the following topics from basic to advanced for anyone who wants to learn data science and machine learning.
Python Programming for Data Science (Week 1-2-3) |
Configure a Virtual Environment |
Data Structures |
Functions |
Conditions |
Loops |
Comprehension (List-Dict) |
Data Analysis with Python (Numpy Pandas) |
- Rule-Based Classification
CRM Analytics (Week 4) |
CRM Analytics |
RFM Analytics |
Customer Lifetime Value |
Customer Lifetime Value Prediction |
- Flo RFM Analysis
- Flo CLTV Prediction
Measurement Problems (Week 5-6) |
Rating Products |
Sorting Products |
Sorting Reviews |
AB Testing |
- Rating Product & Sorting Reviews in Amazon
Recommendation Systems (Week 7) |
Association Rule Learning |
Content Based Recommendation |
Item Based Collaborative Filtering |
User Based Collaborative Filtering |
Model Based Matrix Factorization |
- Association Rule Based Recommender System
- Hybrid Recommender System
❗️ A break is given in the 8th week.
Feature Engineering (Week 9) |
Outliers |
Missing Values |
Encoding Scaling |
Feature Extraction |
- Telco Customer Churn Feature Engineering
- Titanic Feature Engineering
Machine Learning (Week 10-11-12-13) |
Basic Concepts |
Lineer Regression |
Logistic Regression |
Advanced Tree Methods |
Unsupervised Learning |
Machine Learning Pipeline |
- Titanic Machine Learning
- Diabetes Feature Engineering & Machine Learning
- House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques
- Flo Machine Learning
- Scoutium Classification with Machine Learning
SQL (Week 14) |