For PyCon 2018
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- Introduction: Why I Stuck LEDs on my Bookshelves (5 minutes)
- Description of the problem (2 minutes)
- Description of the solution (2 minutes)
- How to use make an RGB LED strip blink with MicroPython. (5 minutes)
- Introduction to the NodeMCU and MicroPython (3 minutes)
- Connecting addressable LED strips to a NodeMCU (2 minutes)
- Making the Rasperry Pi talk to the nodemcus. (5 minutes)
- MQTT and MicroPython (2 minutes)
- Setting Up RabbitMQ on the Raspberry Pi Zero with MQTT Support (3 minutes)
- Setting up a Voice Recognition Service (5 minutes)
- Using a Raspberry Pi 4 Node Microphone Array (3 Minutes)
- Using Alexa with Flask-Ask (2 Minutes)
- The End Result
- Adding a Telegram Bot (2 minutes)
- Using Tasker (1 Minute)
- Video Demo (1 Minute)
- Questions
- References