Release 3.7.0 for Moodle 3.7 and later
Maintenance release for newer Moodle versions with some refactored code and the following changes:
New feature: Basic support for completion API (when using grades)
Altered feature: permissions on teacher side. In particular:
- Teachers now strictly need the capability 'canseeotherteachersbooking' (or 'manageallappointments') in order to see the "All appointments" tab.
- There are new capabilities 'editallgrades', 'editallnotes', and 'editallattended' which allow users without the 'manageallappointments' capability to edit the grades, the teacher notes, or the attended flag in all appointments of all teachers, in the appointment screen only.
- The configuration setting 'allteachersgrading' is no longer in use.