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CLI tool for deploy chatbot

This package provides command line interface to service.


To install bothub-cli:

$ pip install bothub-cli

or, if you are not installing in a virtualenv:

$ sudo pip install bothub-cli

The bothub-cli package works on python2 and 3 both.

Getting Started

Before using bothub-cli, you need to tell it about your credentials.

$ bothub configure
Username: myuser
Password: mysecret

Then it stores access token on ~/.bothub directory.

To start build a new bot:

$ mkdir mybot
$ cd mybot
$ bothub init
Project name: mybot

Now you have a starter echo bot:

|-- bothub
|   |--
|   `--
|-- bothub.yml
|-- requirements.txt
`-- tests

Edit below for your purpose.

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)

from import BaseBot
from bothub_client.decorators import channel

class Bot(BaseBot):
    """Represent a Bot logic which interacts with a user.

    BaseBot superclass have methods belows:

    * Send message
      * self.send_message(message, chat_id=None, channel=None)
    * Data Storage
      * self.set_project_data(data)
      * self.get_project_data()
      * self.set_user_data(data, user_id=None, channel=None)
      * self.get_user_data(user_id=None, channel=None)
    * Channel Handler
      from bothub_client.decorators import channel
      def channel_handler(self, event, context):
        # Handle a specific channel message
    * Command Handler
      from bothub_client.decorators import command
      def command_handler(self, event, context, args):
          # Handle a command('/<command_name>')
    * Intent Handler
      from bothub_client.decorators import intent
      def intent_result_handler(self, event, context, answers):
          # Handle a intent result
          # answers is a dict and contains intent's input data
              "<intent slot id>" : <entered slot value>
    def default_handler(self, event, context):

and deploy it.

$ bothub deploy

You also need to configure channel to use.

$ bothub channel add telegram --api-key=<my-api-key>


Usage: bothub [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Bothub is a command line tool that configure, init, and deploy bot codes
to BotHub.Studio service

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  channel    Setup channels of current project
  clone      Clone existing project
  configure  Setup credentials
  deploy     Deploy project
  init       Initialize project
  logs       Show error logs
  ls         List projects
  nlu        Manage project NLU integrations
  property   Manage project properties
  rm         Delete a project
  test       Run test chat session


Authorize a user and get access token.

$ bothub configure

Project management

Initialize project on current directory. Create a echo chatbot code.

$ bothub init

Deploy current project.

$ bothub clone <project_name>

Clone an existing project.

$ bothub deploy

List of projects.

$ bothub ls

Delete a project.

$ bothub rm <project_name>

Show error logs.

$ bothub logs

Run current project on local machine for test.

$ bothub test

Channel management

List of channels for current project.

$ bothub channel ls

Add a channel for current project.

$ bothub channel add telegram --api-key=<api_key>
$ bothub channel add facebook --app-id=<app_id> --app-secret=<app_secret> --page-access-token=<page_access_token>

Remove a channel from current project.

$ bothub channel rm <channel>

NLU integration managemt

List of NLU(Natural Language Understanding) integration for current project.

$ bothub nlu ls

Add a NLU integration for current project.

$ bothub nlu add apiai --api-key=<api_key>

Remove a NLU integration from current project.

$ bothub nlu rm <nlu>


Apache License 2.0