Attempt at rendering Freemarker with Enonic XP
The most straight forward way to get it going is probably jitpack, which builds and makes a public github repo available as a gradle dependency on-the-fly:
Step 1: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
include 'com.github.tineikt:xp-lib-freemarker:1.1.1'
Hopefully this should allow jitpack to build the project, and present it as a standard gradle package for Enonic XP :)
Just as you are used to with Thymeleaf in your controller
var freemarker = require('/lib/tineikt/freemarker');
exports.get = function(req) {
var model = {
var view = resolve('template.ftl');
var html = freemarker.render(view, model);
return {
body: html
Enonic View Functions documentation
Example usage in Thymeleaf:
<a data-th-href="${portal.assetUrl({'_path=css/main.css'})}">Link</a>
<img data-th-src="${portal.imageUrl({'_id=869b29a0-dccc-4d5e-afc5-81e5050a628d', '_scale=block(50,50)'})}"/>
<p data-th-text="${portal.localize({'_key=mystring','_locale=en'})}">Not translated</p>
Example usage in Freemarker
<a href="[@assetUrl path='css/main.css'/]">Link</a>
<img src="[@imageUrl scale='block(50,50)' id='869b29a0-dccc-4d5e-afc5-81e5050a628d'/]">
<p>[@localize locale='en' key='mystring'/]</p>
Enonic XP does some post-processing to retrieve and render components.
You are probably used to Thymeleaf and how some magic happens when you use the data-portal-component
<div data-th-each="component : ${regions.components}" data-th-remove="tag">
<div data-portal-component="${component.path}" data-th-remove="tag" />
This magic is implemented using a Freemarker directive, <@component path=component.path />
The same template, in Freemarker would then be.
[#list regions.components as component]
[@component path=component.path /]