First go at building a usb development board using the ATtiny85. I took a digispark schematic, modified it to use a USB Male Type A Connector, two 1kΩ resistors (where they were blank), placed components on a relatively small footprint, and set up the traces.
The ATtiny85 must be flashed with micronucleus (occupies 2kB out of the 8kB flash) to have the ability to be compatible with Arduino's IDE (specifically to be used as a Digispark board). Micronucleus implements V-USB which is a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device. Created on Eagle. Project includes board (.brd), schematic (.sch), a BOM, and all gerber & drill files.
- First order came in! Came with some pins pre-soldered, but pins weren't in the order at all :( Need to de-solder to 3D-print a slimmer case as had planned.
- Didn't come with the USB male type A connectors). Will have to order some more separately.
- Waiting on one more shipment of what are basically digispark clones
Just ordered a handful of the "Board with pins v1" off PCBWay. Will update if they work!