This package provides convenient access to the REST API for applications written in PHP.
$ git clone
$ cd productive-io
$ composer install
while in the root folder of the project where you want to use this library, do the following:
$ composer config repositories.productiveio git
$ composer require brandlabs/productiveio [stable-version]
PHP 7.2+
$ composer test
use Brandlabs\Productiveio\ApiClient;
use Brandlabs\Productiveio\Resources\TaskLists;
$authToken = '[ API auth token]';
$organisationId = '[productiveio organisation id]';
$timeout = 60.0; // optional, defaults to 60.0 seconds
$apiClient = new ApiClient($company, $baseApiUrl, $username, $password, $timeout);
$taskListResource = new TaskLists($apiClient);
// gets a Task List resource item
$id = '{set to task list id}';
//updates Task List item
$taskListPayload = [
// fill in Task List item properties
$taskListResource->update($id, $taskListPayload);
//creates task list item
$taskListPayload = [
// fill in Task List item properties
// deletes Task List item
// get list
$requestParams = [
'page[number]' => 1
// get aggregate
$aggregate = true;
$taskListResource->getList($requestParams, $aggregate);
for more details on each Resource list request parameters.
- Jideobi Ofomah Benedine
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details