Monorepo of services, shared libraries and frontend for
If you are an individual or a company who'd like to take part in these efforts, collaborate closely on development, or report an issue, we'd love to hear from you! 🙌 Contact us using this repository or at
Product specification for city account (internal)
Each sub-project contains a README which should get you up and running. More documentation can be (eventually) found here
⚙️️ /clamav
Instance of clamav
⚙️️ /cvdmirror
Local mirror of cvd database used for clamav scanner
📟 /forms-shared
Shared components and utils for frontend and backend
🗄️ /nest-city-account
Service which is handling user related logic for konto
🗄️ /nest-clamav-scanner
This service is responsible for handling files which were sent to the clamav scanner.
🗄️ /nest-forms-backend
Service which is handling incoming and outgoing forms created by users
🗄️ /nest-tax-backend
This service is responsible for digital tax payment.
🏡 /next
Next.js web app
🗄️ /strapi
Strapi CMS server
👀 /tests/cypress
Automated cypress tests
Deploy all services by creating a tag in format: <environment><version>
Note: Backend services deploy first, followed by frontend.
- Examples:
Deploy specific service by creating a tag in format: <environment>-<service-name><version>
- Examples:
By creating a PR, GitHub actions will run validation pipelines and build pipelines with bratiska-cli
This project utilizes the iframe-resizer library, which is an open-source project developed by David J. Bradshaw. We are grateful for the work that has been put into this library and its contribution to the open-source community.