![Braydon's Email](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/braydonwang/braydonwang/main/mail.png)
I'm a Computer Science student pursuing an AI specialization at the University of Waterloo. I'm seeking Summer 2024 SWE internships, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or send me an email! (b392wang@uwaterloo.ca)
I'm super passionate about using technology, problem solving, and creativity to build products that have an impact on the world. Currently, I'm really interested in low-level programming, concurrency, and distributed systems.
- 👔 Currently working as a SWE @ NimbleRx, previously interned as a SWE @ StratumAI, Super and Cloudspark Labs
- 🛠 Building tech for social good @ UW Blueprint, previously building a formula-style race car @ UW Formula Electric
- My passion for coding began with competitive programming, where I learned all about algorithms, data structures, and the key to writing efficient code quickly
- As a life-long learner with an interest in using technology to solve real world problems, I've made many personal and collaborative projects that seek to impact the world in some way, while adding new tools/tech under my belt
- My curiosity for ML began when I attended a bootcamp hosted by Google, which introduced me to the world of NLP
- My hopes in pursuing an AI specialization is to learn more about the limitless capabilities of AI/ML and apply them to my work