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Kits rev 3
Dimitri Glazkov edited this page Dec 6, 2024
2 revisions
tl;dr: Kits as we know it are dead. Long live BGL files.
There are two kinds of boards: declarative and imperative
- declarative boards are ye olde graphs
- can be main graphs or sub-graphs
- main graph is at the root of BGL file
- URL of main graph = URL of BGL file
- sub-graph is a key (aka subGraphId) in the “graphs” property bag
- URL of sub-graph = URL of BGL file + “#${subGraphId}”
- main graph is at the root of BGL file
- can be main graphs or sub-graphs
- imperative boards are graphs that have the “main” property set
- the “main” property points to a module within the respective BGL file that will provide both describe and invoke bits of a graph
- modules are items in the BGL file’s “modules” property bag, each key is moduleId
- the URL of a module = URL of BGL file + “#module:${moduleId}
- declarative boards are ye olde graphs
A the bottom, there are capabilities: fetch, invoke, secrets, input, output
- You build boards by composing capabilities and other boards
- board = [capability]* + [board]*
- We will add more capabilities as we start needing them, but we expect the number to be very small. This is the Breadboard Bedrock.
- You build boards by composing capabilities and other boards
Only some capabilities are accessible from modules
- Currently, it’s fetch, invoke, secrets
- We may introduce input and output eventually
Components are entries in the BGL “nodes” array, with the “type” property specifying either:
- the URL of the board
- the name of the capability
Thus, most of the components are boards.
- capabilities are intentionally verbose and sharp-edged. They are designed to be low-level.
The BGL file contains boards and modules
- and later, assets – bits of content that you can choose to store alongside the boards and modules.
- A BGL file defines a “Workspace”: a single place where you can build something useful.
- A BGL file can export more than one board
- The “exports” property array specifies the board IDs that the BGL file deems as distributable – in addition to the main graph, which is a sort of default export.
A BGL file that has more than one export is called a “Kit”
- Kit is an organizing concept. Example: Google Drive Kit contains a collection of exported boards designed for working with Google Drive.
- Maybe we don’t even have the word “Kit” in Breadboard vocabulary anymore. It’s just a Workspace with multiple exports.
- RunModule is just an component with a module URL as type
Invoke capability component
- we will need the “invoke” capability component, distinct from components with URL as type, similar to how there are import declarations and dynamic import() in JS.
- Looking at at the fundamentals, we can imagine that the old-style Kits were a kind of type-aliasing abstraction:
- type of a node = alias to board URL
- “promptTemplate” is actually “url://of.promptTemplate/board”
- We will eventually remove this type aliasing abstraction altogether, but for now, that’s how we’ll treat it.
- Looking at at the fundamentals, we can imagine that the old-style Kits were a kind of type-aliasing abstraction:
For all components that currently live in Kits
- “fetch”, “invoke”, “secrets”, “input”, and “output” become capabilities.
- We can even present them as “Capabilities” pseudo-BGL, for organizing purposes
- all other components become boards, each hosted in the respective BGL named the same as the old-style Kit.
- “fetch”, “invoke”, “secrets”, “input”, and “output” become capabilities.
Component selector and board list are two views on the same data
- They could be conceptually the same thing, we just need a powerful flexible selector to filter, group, and sort.
- Let’s call it “Unified Board Picker System” (UBPS, pronounced “oops” and named after a song by a famous pop singer)
- Component selector is
- list all boards that have “component” tag
- group by BGL file that they came from
- group remaining group-less boards by board server
- sort by name (need it to be stable)
- Board list
- list all boards that have “published” tags or are mine
- add “last recently used” group
- group remaining by Board Server
- Tool picker is also a view on the same data
- list all boards that have “tool” and “published” tag or are mine
- group by Board Server
- We can now imagine custom views.
- model picker
- list all boards that have “model” tag
- sort by last recently used, etc.
- agent team picker
- list all boards that have “agent” tag
- etc.
- model picker
- They could be conceptually the same thing, we just need a powerful flexible selector to filter, group, and sort.
Dragging, dropping, picking boards
- Dragging a board from the unified board picker or workspace view creates a new component
- Dragging it onto a behaviors: [“board”] input port creates a reference (aka Floaty Boi 🛟)
- The board picker in node configuration (triggered by behaviors: [“board”] on the input port) becomes a drop target, accepting items from unified board picker
- Need a way to type in/paste arbitrary Board URLs as well
Less formed
- The unified board picker is reactive maybe? Changes the view based on the context
- when opening the node configuration with a board input port, changes to “[X] picker”, where [X] is a list of tags provided by the input port?
- “tool picker” -> behaviors: [“board”], format: “tool”
- “model picker” -> behaviors: [“board”], format: “model”
- “team picker” -> behaviors: [“board”], format: “team”
- ...
- when opening the node configuration with a board input port, changes to “[X] picker”, where [X] is a list of tags provided by the input port?
- The unified board picker is reactive maybe? Changes the view based on the context