This is a work in progress. The surface area of the flake is still being defined and may change.
Designed as an overlay for import into other Go projects, it provides helper functions for easy customization of both base and shell environments.
- Base Go Environment: Includes a pre-configured Go toolchain (currently using Go 1.23).
- Development Tools: Includes protobuf tools, golangci-lint, and buf for code quality and protobuf handling.
- Customizable: Easily extendable with more packages and tools.
- Shell Environment: Provides a consistent shell environment for Go development with helper functions to allow customization.
- Overlay Based: Can be imported into other Nix flakes.
- Simplified
: Nowsetup.base
are accessed directly through theoverlay
attribute, making usage cleaner.
Let's examine how to include it in a project with a cmd/quantm
Go binary that also needs libgit2
description = "project using breuhq/flake-go";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
breu.url = "github:breuhq/flake-go";
outputs = {
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (
system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
buildGoModule = pkgs.buildGo123Module;
# Apply the breu-go overlay to get access to go tooling
pkgs_ = pkgs.extend (final: prev: breu.overlay.${system} final prev);
# Base packages required for building and running quantm
base = pkgs_.setup.base [
pkgs.python3 # required for http-parser in libgit2
# Development packages for use in the dev shell
dev = [
pkgs.libpg_query # FIXME: probably not required anymore.
(pkgs.callPackage ./tools/nix/sqlc.nix {inherit buildGoModule;})
# Set up the development shell with our base and dev packages
shell = base dev {};
# Build the quantm binary
quantm = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "quantm";
src = ./.;
nativeBuildInputs = base;
buildPhase = ''
export GOROOT="${pkgs.go_1_23}/share/go"
go build -x -tags static,system_libgit2 -o $out/bin/quantm ./cmd/quantm
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp $out/bin/quantm $out/bin/quantm
in {
devShells.default = shell;
packages.quantm = quantm;
Here's how to use the development shell and build the quantm
To enter a development shell with the appropriate tools, navigate to the root of your project (where the flake.nix
that imports breu-go
is located) and run:
nix develop
The command will provide a shell with Go 1.23, protobuf tools, golangci-lint
, buf
, and any other packages included when extending the base.
To build the quantm
binary as defined in the flake.nix
, use:
nix build .#quantm
This will build the quantm
binary and place it in the result
directory. To execute the binary from that directory, use:
To install the binary into the system's ~/.nix-profile/bin
for easy access, use:
nix profile install .#quantm
This makes the quantm
binary accessible directly from the terminal through your $PATH