Why This ScrollSpyer: We have explored various scrollspy tools available on the internet, but encountered issues with some of them. Specifically, some don't support multiple menus, while others lack animation capabilities. We consider animations to be necessary in any scrollspy tool. If you're unfamiliar with what we're referring to, we invite you to explore our examples with animation for a better understanding.
Make sure to install the dependencies:
npm i @breww.io/scroll-spyer
#WITH Animate.css
#WITH BREWW Easing & Animation
Extendable. Learn how to use ScrollSpy and funcationlities in detail.
- Everything included, ready for action.
- Plug-in your own modules with additional functionalities.
- Using Rollup
- ES6 Support
var animate = new AnimateCss();
let sec ;
const options = {
sectionSelector: 'section', // Query selector to your sections
targetSelector: '[data-jump]', // Query selector to your elements that will be added `active` class
topOffset: [
{ maxWidth: 767, topOffset: 300 },
{ minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 991, topOffset: 250 },
{ minWidth: 992, maxWidth: 4999, topOffset: 400 },
easing: {
enabled: true,
type: BrewwEasings.linear
activeClass: ['activer', 'highlight'],
onLastScrollInView: () => console.log("last"),
onFirstScrollInView: () => console.log("hi"),
animation: { enabled: true, animType:'anim-type' },
onScroll: (section, sections, animationOptions) => {
sec = sections;
onSectionChange:(currentsection, sections, animationOptions) =>{
//your function maybe custom one
// animate.animateTwoWay(currentsection,sections,animationOptions);
DEMO 2 (With Opacity Breww's Custom animation)
var animate = new AnimateCss();
let sec;
const options = {
sectionSelector: '.maintest', // Query selector to your sections
targetSelector: '[data-jump]', // Query selector to your elements that will be added `active` class
easing: {
enabled: true,
type: BrewwEasings.linear
activeClass: ['activer', 'highlight'],
onLastScrollInView: () => console.log("last"),
onFirstScrollInView: () => console.log("hi"),
animation: { enabled: false, animType: 'anim-type' },
onScroll: (section, sections, animationOptions) => {
sec = sections;
animate.animateTwoWay(section, sections, animationOptions);
onSectionChange: (currentsection, sections, animationOptions) => {
//your actions
const spyscroll = new SpyScroll(document.getElementById('nav'), options);
BrewwAnimations.Bewwopacity(spyscroll.sections, 400);