A website for Restaurant.
Do git clone
git clone https://github.com/brgtrainings/ktm-restaurant
cd ktm-restaurant
This is the default which you get after cloing.
Do git checkout step2-banner
Here, you will see how banner section is built.
Do git checkout step3-about
Here, you will see how about section is built.
Do git checkout step4-gallery
Here, you will see how gallery section is built. I have used Simplelightbox library for it.
Do git checkout step5-call-to-action
Here, you will see how a call to some action section is built.
Do git checkout step6-testimonials
Here, you will see how testimonials section is built.
Do git checkout step7-footer
Here, you will see how footer is built.
Do git checkout step8-contact-about
Here, you will see how in-progress contact and about pages are added. It is still yet to be done.
Do git checkout step9-wow
Added some animation to section using WowJS.
Do git checkout step10-responsive
Now, some more changes to make it responsive i.e able to properly view in mobile and iPad.
It is usually done with @media
Do git checkout final-changes
Finally, some final adjustment in UX behavior and button text and added contact page.