A straightforward and simple library for using attributes in PHP.
Install with composer:
composer require brimshot/Pattr
Or download directly from:
Pattr provides functions meant to simplify working with attributes in PHP.
Make the functions accessible in your code by including vendor/autoload.php
(when using composer) or by including src/Pattr.php
Import each function you intend to use with a use
directive at the top of your source file, i.e.:
use function brimshot\Pattr\has_attribute;
The functions in the library operate on classes (or instantiated objects), public class properties, class methods, class constants and globally available functions.
To get information about a class or object property or method, pass the details as an array i.e. [Object, MethodName]
has_attribute(mixed $item, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : bool
Returns true or false whether the provided item has the provided attribute or all of the provided attributes if $attribute_or_array_of_attributes
is an array.
By default, child classes of provided attributes will be matched but this can be disabled (strict mode) by passing false as the third argument.
can also be a string (or strings) in which case the unqualified classname will be matched.
namespace brimshot\Pattr\examples;
use function brimshot\Pattr\has_attribute;
// Define some attributes
class HasALightSaber
public function __construct(public string $color) {}
class IsFromTatooine {}
// Define some classes
#[HasALightSaber(color: 'blue')]
class ObiWan {}
#[HasALightSaber(color: 'green')]
class Luke {}
// Check attributes
has_attribute(ObiWan::class, HasALightSaber::class); // returns true
has_attribute(Luke::class, 'HasALightSaber'); // returns true
has_attribute(ObiWan::class, [HasALightSaber::class, IsFromTatooine::class]); // returns false
has_attribute(Luke::class, [HasALightSaber::class, IsFromTatooine::class]); // returns true
has_attribute_callback(mixed $item, string $attribute, callable $callback, $matchChildAttributes = true) : bool
Returns true or false whether the provided item has the provided attribute and the attribute, when instantiated, satisfies the provided callback. By default, child attributes of the provided attribute will also be matched.
use function brimshot\Pattr\has_attribute_callback;
has_attribute_callback(Luke::class, HasALightSaber::class, fn($a) => $a->color == 'green'); // returns true
has_attribute_callback(ObiWan::class, HasALightSaber::class, fn($a) => $a->color == 'green'); // returns false
does_not_have_attribute(mixed $item, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : bool
Returns true if the provided item does not have the provided attribute or if $attribute_or_array_of_attributes
is an array, returns true if the item does not have any of the provided attributes.
use function brimshot\Pattr\does_not_have_attribute;
does_not_have_attribute(ObiWan::class, IsFromTatooine::class); // returns true
does_not_have_attribute(ObiWan::class, [IsFromTatooine::class, HasALightSaber::class]); // returns false
get_attribute_names(mixed $item, bool $shortNames = false) : array
Returns the names of the provided items attributes. Default is the fully qualified class name, but names can be shortened by passing true for $shortNames
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_attribute_names;
[0] => Pattr\examples\HasALightSaber
[1] => Pattr\examples\IsFromTatooine
[0] => HasALightSaber
[1] => IsFromTatooine
print_r(get_attribute_names(Luke::class, true)); // Pass true as the second argument to return short names
get_attribute(mixed $item, string $attribute, bool $matchChildAttributes = true, int $index = 0) : ?object
Returns an instance of the requested attribute from the provided item, or null if item does not have the desired attribute.
An optional index parameter can be provided for use with repeated attributes to select which to return (index begins at 0).
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_attribute;
$a = get_attribute(Luke::class, HasALightSaber::class);
// Pattr\examples\HasALightSaber
echo get_class($a) . "\n";
// "green"
echo $a->color . "\n";
get_attributes(mixed $item, array $attribute_list = [], bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of instances of the provided items attributes. Can be filtered to a desired subset by passing in $attribute_list
. By default, children of attributes provided in the filter list are included in the result set.
namespace brimshot\Pattr\examples;
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_attributes;
#[HasALightSaber(color: 'green')]
class Luke
public function useJediMindTrick() {}
[0] => brimshot\Pattr\examples\UsesTheForce Object
[1] => brimshot\Pattr\examples\JediPower Object
print_r(get_attributes([Luke::class, 'useJediMindTrick'])); // Get the attributes of a class method
[0] => Pattr\examples\HasALightSaber Object
[color] => green
print_r(get_attributes(Luke::class, [HasALightSaber::class])); // Get the attributes of a class, filtered to only return the desired results
print_r(get_attributes(Luke::class, ['HasALightSaber'])); // Same result
get_attributes_callback(mixed $item, string $attribute, callable $callback, $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of instances of the requested attribute (array contains multiple results on repeated attributes) from the provided item when those attribute(s) satisfy the provided callback, or an empty array when none match.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_attributes_callback;
$matches = get_attributes_callback(Luke::class, HasALightSaber::class, fn($a) => $a->color == 'green');
echo empty($matches) ? 'empty' : get_class($matches[0]); // brimshot\Pattr\examples\HasALightSaber
$matches = get_attributes_callback(ObiWan::class, HasALightSaber::class, fn($a) => $a->color == 'green');
echo empty($matches) ? 'empty' : get_class($matches[0]); // 'empty'
get_class_methods_with_attribute(object|string $object_or_class, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of method names from the given class or object that have the provided attribute or array of attributes. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_class_methods_with_attribute;
class UsesTheForce {}
class Luke
function huntWompRats() {}
function retrieveLightSaber() {}
function tryToLiftXWing() {}
[0] => retrieveLightSaber
[1] => tryToLiftXWing
print_r(get_class_methods_with_attribute(Luke::class, UsesTheForce::class));
get_class_methods_with_attribute_callback(object|string $object_or_class, string $attribute, callable $callback, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of method names from the given class or object that have the provided attribute and that attribute satisfies the provided callback. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_class_properties_with_attribute_callback;
class DoesNotUseTheForce
public function __construct(public string $location) {}
class Luke
function huntWompRats() {}
function pickUpPowerConverters() {}
[0] => pickUpPowerConverters
print_r(get_class_methods_with_attribute_callback(Luke::class, DoesNotUseTheForce::class, fn($a) => $a->location == 'Tatooine'));
get_object_properties_with_attribute(object $object, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of property names and their values from an instantiated object that have the provided attributes or array of attributes. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_object_properties_with_attribute;
class Weapon {}
class XWing
public $laserCannons = 4;
public $protonTorpedoLaunchers = 2;
$ship = new XWing();
[laserCannons] => 4
[protonTorpedoLaunchers] => 2
print_r(get_object_properties_with_attribute($ship, Weapon::class));
get_object_properties_with_attribute_callback(object $object, string $attribute, callable $callback, $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of property names and their values from an instantiated object that have the provided attribute and that attribute satisfies the provided callback.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_object_properties_with_attribute_callback;
class PassengerData
public function __construct(public string $type) {}
class MilleniumFalcon
public $mainRoomCapacity = 30;
public $floorCompartmentCapacity = 2;
$ship = new MilleniumFalcon();
[mainRoomCapacity] => 30
print_r(get_object_properties_with_attribute_callback($ship, PassengerData::class, fn($a) => $a->type == 'public'));
get_class_properties_with_attribute(string $class, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes, bool $matchChildAttributes = true) : array
Returns an array of property names from a class (not instantiated) that have the provided attributes or array of attributes. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_class_properties_with_attribute;
[0] => laserCannons
[1] => protonTorpedoLaunchers
print_r(get_class_properties_with_attribute(XWing::class, Weapon::class));
get_class_properties_with_attribute_callback(string $class, string $attribute, callable $callback) : array
Returns an array of property names from a class (not instantiated) that have the provided attribute and that attribute satisfies the provided callback.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_class_properties_with_attribute_callback;
[0] => mainRoomCapacity
print_r(get_class_properties_with_attribute_callback(MilleniumFalcon::class, PassengerData::class, fn($a) => $a->type == 'public'));
get_class_constants_with_attribute(string|object $class_or_object, string|array $attribute_or_array_of_attributes) : array
Returns an array of constant names and their values from a class or object that have the provided attributes or array of attributes. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_class_constants_with_attribute;
class CrewData
public function __construct(public string $type) {}
class XWing
const PILOTS = 1;
const R2_UNITS = 1;
[PILOTS] => 1
[R2_UNITS] => 1
print_r(get_class_constants_with_attribute(XWing::class, CrewData::class));
get_class_constants_with_attribute_callback(string|object $class_or_object, string $attribute, callable $callback, bool $matchAttributeChildren = true) : array
Returns an array of constant names and their values from a class or object that have the provided attribute and that attribute satisfies the provided callback. By default, children of attributes provided in search list are included in the result set.
use function brimshot\Pattr\get_object_properties_with_attribute_callback;
[R2_UNITS] => 1
print_r(get_class_constants_with_attribute_callback(XWing::class, CrewData::class, fn($a) => $a->type == 'droid'));
Copyright (c) Chris Brim 2022, see LICENSE file