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A Postgre-backed web application built in Python using the Flask framework and deployed live to a freshly-provisioned Linux server.

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This collection of scripts is a web application developed in Python which uses
the Flask web framework and a persistent PostgreSQL back-end along with
basic HTML form elements and JavaScript to demonstrate a web application which
performs common database operations.

This project differs from its SQLite-backed variant in that it incorporates a
persistent database and involved procuring a bare-bones Linux server which has
been configured from scratch to host the application. The deployed version of this
app can be found here.

As a result, instructions for this project in its entirey have been created in
the following three documents:

1). Provisioning and configuration of a Linux server from scratch:
2). Configuration and setup of the project on the server:
3). Finally, application-specific instructions/guidance: (this document).

To replicate this project in its entirety, follow the instructions listed in
the guides listed above (documents 1 and 2 - in that order) before cloning this
project to your destination repository.


The application is for a fictional store called "The Instrument Garage" which
lists the new and used musical instruments members might have to offer or
trade (buy/sell) with one another.

Functionality on the site depends on user registration/logged-in status which
is handled through 3rd party OAuth 2.0 authorization for security purposes.

Taken together, this project demonstrates the following key aspects of
fullstack development:

Application Setup:

-setup and configuration of a bare-bones Linux server (including setting basic
 security measures and configuring the firewall)
-installation and configuration of Apache2 server
-configuration of a new Apache virtual host
-installation and configuration of the apache Web Server Gateway Interface
 module: mod_wsgi
-installation and configuration of PostgreSQL
-installation and configuration of the Python virtual environment: virtualenv
-the setup of all Python dependencies for our project in the virtual environment


-use of the versatile Flask framework and the SQLAlchemy ORM
-database create/read/update/delete operations (CRUD)
-basic RESTful API endpoints to access application data in JSON/XML
-industry-standard OAuth 2.0 3rd-party authorization (via Google Sign-In)
-standard SQL queries crafted for the PostgreSQL database engine
-data integrity operations and navigational/error-checking logic
-some JavaScript for controlling client-side form behavior


This application is developed in Python 2.7.x and makes use of the following

-python 2.7.x: random, string, httplib2, json, requests
-flask: flash, jsonify
-sqlalchemy: asc, create_engine, func
-sqlalchemy.orm: sessionmaker
-oauth2client.client: flow_from_clientsecrets, FlowExchangeError

Database definitions for the fictional datbase reside in the script
from which the following customized components must also be imported after the
database has been initialized (created and populated):

-create_db: Base, User, Category, Subcategory, Brand, Instrument
-instrumentgarage.db (sqlite database created per instructions below)


(Note: to replicate the project, refer to the instructions and help guides
listed in the introduction)

Navigation Basics

The main page lists categories of musical instruments which may be clicked
on to list individual instruments in the category. As an alternative, users
may also view instruments as listed by brand, similar to the display alternative
many online music retailers also offer.

Clicking on either a brand or a category heading will return a listing of the
instruments available in either that category or brand. The entries which
appear here are summarizes/highlights of the instrument entries for which more
detail may be accessed by following the 'More' link under each instrument.

Clicking on a 'More' link will render a full page dedicated to that particular
instrument with full descriptive details including postage by user.

Instrument-page functionality is restricted to viewing-only if the user is
either not registered or not logged-in. Registering and/or logging-in gives
the user the ability to post/edit/delete instrument listings.

Registration and sign-in is done via OAuth 2.0 using Google sign-in and new
users are added to the user database based on authorizations agreed to by the

Posting functionality is made available to any signed-in user. However,
editing/deleting functionality is restricted to original posters of the
respective items with a confirmation page used for deletions.

A token 'Purchase' button reveals the contact information of the poster of
the item (which in production would likely require an agreement in terms of
use or be otherwise centrally handled for privacy purposes).

Posting/Editing Items

A category-subcategory parent-child relationship is enforced during
the posting/editing process such that the specified subcategory for the posting
(pianos) must be a child of the specified parent category (keyboards).

Required fields are annotated with an asterisk on the posting page and include
category, subcategory, brand, and condition. The fields model, description, and
price are optional for posting/editing purposes.

Errors are raised when any combination of missing required fields are not provided.

In addition to the pre-canned categories/subcategories and instruments which
come with the initial database, custom categories/subcategories/brands may be
added. Error checks are performed in these instances as well, to ensure
data integrity/consistency.

Enjoy the demo project!


A Postgre-backed web application built in Python using the Flask framework and deployed live to a freshly-provisioned Linux server.







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