I maintain this library for use in my own projects. It is built upon Node.js Crypto which is easy to integrate. You may like to look though this himalayan-salt integration in order to make your own - or install it and use it :)
- Implement Scrypt password-based key derivation function version.
Returns cryptographically strong, unique 64 character hex encoded salt, and SHA-256 hash for a given passphrase. Returned in an instance of Hashes.
- generateSHA256PassphraseHash( 'passphrase') => Hashes instance containing generated salt and hash
Error handling:
- generateSHA256PassphraseHash( 'passwor') => RangeError for string length < 8
- generateSHA256PassphraseHash( 123) => TypeError when argument is other than string
- generateSHA256PassphraseHash() => TypeError when argument is falsey (null, undefined)
Generated strings are returned in a Hashes instance. You can choose to return them separately or combined, depending on your requirements.
- getSalt() => 64 character hex encoded salt result
- getHash() => 64 character hex encoded hash result
- getCombined() => 128 character hex encoded result where the first 64 characters are the salt and the remaining 64 characters are the hash.
Verifies a given passphrase against a given salt and hash.
- verify( 'passphrase', 64 character hex encoded salt, 64 character hex encoded hash) => true/false
Error handling:
- verify() => TypeError when any argument is not provided
- verify( 'passphrase', 123, 123) => RangeError when salt or hash is not a 64 character string.
- Built upon Crypto.
- SHA-256 unique 32 byte salt generated for each call
- SHA-256 salted passphrase hash
- Salt and hash returned as 64 character hex encoded strings - separate or combined.
// demo.js
// ES6 import
import {himalayanSalt} from './himalayan-salt.js';
// or require
// const hs = require('./himalayan-salt.js');
// const himalayanSalt = hs.himalayanSalt;
const passphrase1 = 'testY9O/<2uWguEU';
console.log(`passphrase is: ${passphrase1}`);
const result1 = himalayanSalt.generate(passphrase1);
console.log(`SALT >>> ${result1.getSalt()}`);
console.log(`HASH >>> ${result1.getHash()}`);
console.log(`COMBINED >>> ${result1.getCombined()}`);
console.log(`VERIFICATION >>> ${himalayanSalt.verify(passphrase1, result1.getSalt(), result1.getHash())}`);
const passphrase2 = 'testY9O/<2uWguEU'; // same passphrase
console.log(`passphrase is: ${passphrase2}`);
const result2 = himalayanSalt.generate(passphrase2);
console.log(`SALT >>> ${result2.getSalt()}`); // unique salt,
console.log(`HASH >>> ${result2.getHash()}`); // and hash
console.log(`COMBINED >>> ${result2.getCombined()}`);
console.log(`VERIFICATION >>> ${himalayanSalt.verify(passphrase2, result2.getSalt(), result2.getHash())}`);
passphrase is: testY9O/<2uWguEU
SALT >>> e4f4b47ac78e90c647cb78f30dff5f07517a6a9a11ff896dcf8b3c9946039f1f
HASH >>> 1f2b189c0991287baa5ac597229aa6626d79c6f4201d8fb869697fd30f1f2f89
COMBINED >>> e4f4b47ac78e90c647cb78f30dff5f07517a6a9a11ff896dcf8b3c9946039f1f1f2b189c0991287baa5ac597229aa6626d79c6f4201d8fb869697fd30f1f2f89
passphrase is: testY9O/<2uWguEU
SALT >>> 1450c8044a9334b83bbe77dbfe858c455051f709162275c107519d573e9210d0
HASH >>> 42a6e24e481fdc100b6447d3ae1a935ea455f578f43ad7be2b6cf059233be0f8
COMBINED >>> 1450c8044a9334b83bbe77dbfe858c455051f709162275c107519d573e9210d042a6e24e481fdc100b6447d3ae1a935ea455f578f43ad7be2b6cf059233be0f8
Prerequisite: Node.js 13.5x installation.
user $ git clone git@github.com:burntsugar/himalayan-salt.git
user $ cd himalayan-salt
user/himalayan-salt $ npm install
Compile .ts to .js in ./out
user/himalayan-salt $ npm run tsc
(compile first!)
Run Jest test suites.
user/himalayan-salt $ npm test
(compile first!)
user/himalayan-salt $ npm run demo
npm install --save himalayan-salt
// your.js
// ES6 import
import {himalayanSalt} from 'himalayan-salt';
// your.js
// require
const hs = require('himalayan-salt');
Start with -v
| -verify
followed by passphrase, salt and hash.
Start with -g
| -generate
followed by passphrase.
docker pull burntsugar/himalayan-salt
docker run --rm himalayan-salt demo
docker run --rm himalayan-salt -generate <passphrase>
docker run --rm himalayan-salt -verify <passphrase> <salt> <hash>
This project is guided by Modern password security for system designers.
Allow the largest character set possible, such as UTF-8, including emoji.
Have a long minimum length and allow very long passwords.