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Add metadata to dataset

bvhpatel edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 14 revisions


All SPARC datasets must have the following metadata: subtitle, description, banner image, and license. These can be added easily through this feature of SODA.

How to

Start by selecting a dataset from the drop-down list. Then, the following metadata (mandatory for all SPARC datasets) can be viewed and edited:

Add/edit subtitle

Use the text box to add a subtitle to your dataset. Add two or three sentences (limit of 256 characters) that describe the content of your dataset such that it is possible to differentiate it from other datasets. This field will become the short description visible immediately under the title of your dataset once it is published.

Add/edit description

Provide a detailed description of your dataset using rich text via help from the integrated text editor so you don't need to use markdown syntax. This description will be highly visible on the SPARC data portal once your dataset is published.

Upload a banner image

Import, crop, and upload a banner image that meets SPARC requirements (square shape, minimum display size of 512x512 px and maximum file size of 5 MB). This image will be associated with the dataset and used as a thumbnail once the dataset is published.

Assign a license

Assign the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License (mandatory for all SPARC datasets) to your dataset in one click.


You must have "owner" or "manager" permissions on the dataset to edit metadata

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