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megasanjay edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 10 revisions

Package Python code with PyInstaller

  • Run anaconda prompt, activate the conda environment (if you haven't done that already)
  • Navigate to 'src' folder
  • Run: python -m PyInstaller pysoda/ --distpath pysodadist


  • Edit spec file as needed (e.g. exclude PyQt5, tkinter). Especially, adding the following may be required on Windows and MAC: hiddenimports=['pkg_resources.py2_warn']
  • To generate exe, Run: python -m PyInstaller --noconsole api.spec --distpath pysodadist
  • for electron packaging, build and pysoda folder (with the .py files) could be deleted or ignored

You can then delete the "build" folder and the "api.spec" file generated by PyInstaller before you move on since they are not necessary for packaging and distributing the app.

Package electron app

You can use the predefined build script to create a release for the app.

  • Windows:
npm run build-win
  • MAC:
npm run build-mac
  • Linux:
npm run build-linux

If there are any errors, please check your icon files, and build settings in the package.json.

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