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Specify metadata files

Tram Ngo edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 13 revisions

Click on the image below to see the tutorial video for this feature

About this feature

Using this feature, you can specify the metadata files you wish to include in your dataset:

  • Manifest files: To generate and include manifest files automatically, simply toggle the "Include auto-generated manifest files" option. Then, when you generate the dataset, a "manifest.xlsx" file will be added to each SPARC folder with the "filename", "timestamp", and "file type" fields automatically populated while the "description" field will be filled with the descriptions provided (if any) in the table during the "Specify dataset files" step. Any existing manifest files (from the user) will be ignored.
  • High-level metadata files: Add them to the table by dragging and dropping on the header or using the file browser.

Note that only the following high-level metadata files are allowed:

  • Either submission.xlsx or submission.csv
  • Either dataset_description.xlsx or dataset_description.csv
  • Either subjects.xlsx or subjects.csv
  • Either samples.xlsx or samples.csv
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