A website for monitoring the bidding of players in BVM premier league.
link for the website : BVM premier League
- bootstrap-vue
- vue-resource
- vue-router
- vuex
- sass-loader
- vue-gh-pages
- Get the player list from player.json
- Choose the team and enter the bidding amount
- Add the player into the highest bidding team
- Remove player from original player list
- On removing player from team:
- add the player back to original player list
- Remove the player from team list
- add the player's bidding amount into the balance of team
- Send the state to server whenever the player is added into a team
- Restore the state on a button press
- Card Component - A reusable component for displaying the stats of the player
- Team Component - A component that employs the mechanism of adding and removing player from the team
- Home view - This view shows the bidding procedure and is the central UI of the system
- Landing view - This view acts as the landing page for the website
- Register view - This view is used to register player for the BVM premier league