Building a schedule around ensuring that all your plants are watered is actually pretty difficult. Water My Plants helps to solve those problems by providing and easy to use interface for creating a plant watering schedule that will remind users to water their plants on a regular basis.
- Deployed app
- Contributors
- Technologies used and dependencies
- Installation
- Endpoints description
- Environmental variables
- License
Check out the demo of our API here: DEMO.
![]() Ivana Huckova Backend Developer |
Contributions of any kind welcome!
- JavaScript (ECMAScript 6+)
- Express.js
- Knex
- PostgreSQL DB
- jsonwebtoken
- Jest
- Supertest
- Twilio
- Circle CI
- bcryptjs 2.4.3
- cors 2.8.5
- dotenv 8.0.0
- express 4.17.1
- helmet 3.18.0
- jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
- knex 0.17.6
- pg 7.11.0
- sqlite3 4.0.9
- twilio 3.32.0
- uuid 3.3.2
- jest 24.8.0
- nodemon 1.19.1
- supertest 4.0.2
We recommend to set up this app on Heroku.
- Fork the repository.
- Set up an account at Heroku.
- Create new app.
- Connect your Github account to Heroku.
- Select the forked repository.
- Add the appropriate plugins (Heroku Postgres and Scheduler).
- Set up the environmental variables.
- You are all set!
user_id = unique id for each user generated on backend
Used to register a user and ensure that user information will be saved in the server
Javascript object:
username - string, required
email - string, required, unique
phone_number - string, required, unique
password - string, required
{ "email": "", "username": "Tony", "phone_number": "+420004356783", "password": "tony12345" }
Success Outputs
Javascript object with success message.
{ message: "success message" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to log in and get authentication for accessing the main functionalities of the React app.
Javascript object:
email - string, required
password - string, required
{ "email": "", "password": "tony12345" }
Success Outputs
Javascript object with token used for accessing restricted endpoints.
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoiNGU4Y2E0OGItZmRiNS00ZmExLWFmNmUtOWFiZjY3YTBhZGE1IiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdmFuYUBpdmFuYS5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE1NjE1Njc2NzYsImV4cCI6MTU2MTgyNjg3Nn0.ktnILuhbh5HD9LmolRxk125Eg3xyd15H2omWB-i_uC8"
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
plant_id = unique id for each plant generated on backend and used to access each plant
Used to create new plant by user.
Javascript object:
name - string
img_id - string, required
height - integer
plant_type - string, required
watering_frequency - integer, required
last_watered_at - timestamp, required
{ "name": "John", "img_id": "1", "height": "3" "plant_type": "Tulip", "watering_frequency": "7", "last_watered_at": "2016-01-13 17:38:42", }
Success Outputs:
Javascript object with plant_id of created plant.
"plant_id": "eyJhbGiJIUz-IsInR5cCI6IkpXV76-827u-u6"
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to get all plants that were created by the user
Success Outputs:
Javascript object with array of plants objects.
"table_id": 5,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"plant_type": "Suflower",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"name": "Greta",
"img_id": "2",
"last_watered_at": "2019-06-23T05:10:25.000Z",
"next_watering_at": "2019-06-28T05:10:25.000Z",
"height": 44,
"watering_frequency": 5
"table_id": 6,
"plant_id": "f397fe2f-f2a0-44c2-bc92-0de9d3baa45d",
"plant_type": "Tulip",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"name": "John",
"img_id": "1",
"last_watered_at": "2019-06-24T05:10:25.000Z",
"next_watering_at": "2019-06-28T05:10:25.000Z",
"height": 12,
"watering_frequency": 4
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to get plant with specific id that was created by the user
Success Outputs
Javascript object with array of plant object.
"table_id": 5,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"plant_type": "Suflower",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"name": "Greta",
"img_id": "2",
"last_watered_at": "2019-06-23T05:10:25.000Z",
"next_watering_at": "2019-06-28T05:10:25.000Z",
"height": 44,
"watering_frequency": 5
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to get history of plants height
Success Outputs
Javascript object with array of plant object with height change.
"table_id": 4,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"created_at": "2019-06-25T17:56:03.920Z",
"height": "44"
"table_id": 5,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"created_at": "2019-06-26T17:56:03.920Z",
"height": "45"
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to get history of plants watering frequency
Success Outputs:
Javascript object with array of plant object with watering dates.
"table_id": 4,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"last_watered_at": "2019-06-23T05:10:25.000Z"
"table_id": 5,
"plant_id": "496b9834-038e-4c4d-91ac-5d1f5fcaa211",
"user_id": "01e2d860-37ef-45f7-a383-bfdc0dd2ae35",
"last_watered_at": "2019-06-24T05:10:25.000Z"
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to update plant with specific id that was created by the user
Javascript object with optional items for update:
- name - string
- img_id - string
- height - integer
- plant_type - string
- watering_frequency - integer
- last_watered_at - timestamp
"watering_frequency": "7",
"height": "7"
Success Outputs
Javascript object with success message.
{ message: "success message" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to delete plant with specific id that was created by the user
Success Outputs
Javascript object with success message.
{ message: "success message" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to get data about user
Success Outputs:
Javascript object with array of plants objects.
"user_id": 1,
"username": "Sansa",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "123456789"
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to update users profile
Javascript object with optional for update:
- username - string
- password - string
- email - string
- phone_number - string
"phone_number": "+7868188181",
Success Outputs
Javascript object with success message.
{ message: "success message" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Used to delete user
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Failure Outputs
Javascript object with error.
{ error: "failure error" }
Remember to set up the required environmental variables, especially when deploying on Heroku.
= productionSECRET_KEY
as a secret key of your choiceTWILLIO_TOKEN