VisionPaste is a Project created to to process the image and to cut the object with semantic segmentation. The system uses a micro-service to allow sending the live image with a cell phone. The micro service is accessed through a qr-code.
Is an artificial intelligence plug-in for computer graphics software GIMP. The project uses the semantic segmentation feature of computer vision with deep learning to capture the photo from the cell phone, send it to the AI core to cut the scene object and automatically send it to the image editor.
Vision Paste is a plug-in for computer graphics software GIMP, to paste the photos taken on the phone into the editor. Automatically cropping the object with AI.
Is an artificial intelligence plug-in for computer graphics software GIMP. The project uses the semantic segmentation feature of computer vision with deep learning to capture the photo from the cell phone, send it to the AI core to cut the scene object and automatically send it to the image editor.
Semantic segmentation was used to cut out the objects. The opencv library was used to process the main tasks.
Under construction
Below, a quick description of how to manually install the VisionPaste project.
Clone the repository at desired location:
$ git clone
$ cd visionpaste
$ python3
* Serving Flask app "server" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- Push first commit to GitHub
- Start automatic web server
- Create install script
- Generate dinamic qrcode
- Select algorithm of semantic segmantation
- Create package .rpm and .deb
- Create documantation
- Create script for certificate generation
- Create HTML page
- Add background effects
Bellow an example running in my machine with OpenSUSE Leap.
contact : Alessandro de Oliveira Faria (A.K.A.CABELO)