An isomorphic javascript ( React + Redux + Node + Express + MongoDB ) starter app which utilizes JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) and React HOCs (Higher-Order Components) for authentication and role-based authorization.
###Application Design and Dependencies:###
react - javascript library for creating views/interfaces with components
redux - responsible for managing the client application's state
react-router - maps react components to URL routes, thus enabling single-page navigation
redux-thunk - redux middleware that allows allows us to dispatch actions asynchronously by allowing action creators to return functions
axios - for making AJAX requests to the server
jwt-decode - for decoding the data carried in the JWTs given to the authenticated client by the server
redux-form - an HOC which enables us to store our form state in the redux store
webpack - builds the client-side portion of our app out of various assets, dependencies, and modules
express - a node.js http server framework and interface
mongoose - mongoDB object modeling tool
jwt-simple - we use this module's encode method to create our JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
- passport - express authentication middleware
- passport-jwt - passport strategy/plugin for authenticating with JSON Web Tokens
- passport-local - passport strategy/plugin for authenticating with a username and password.
bcrypt-nodejs - for encrypting user passwords before saving them to the database
cors - gives clients cross-origin access to the server