As part of this release we had 3 issues closed.
Breaking change
- #57 Update Cake.FileHelpers NuGet package icon to the new Cake-Contrib logo for addins (@augustoproiete)
Pull requests were reviewed by: @augustoproiete, @gitfool, @nils-a
Fixes issues reported by: @augustoproiete
Where to get it
You can download this release from nuget, or you can just reference it in a cake build script with #addin nuget:?package=Cake.FileHelpers&version=5.0.0
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
063c7c88d167a87bcc354ece15299ddd8a8c1e7e451d9ece640e5a6402393eac Cake.FileHelpers.5.0.0.nupkg
343cdc03d945241a6a2930fbc43bee0ffc50bd689f0e97ee50c5245edde4c3bd Cake.FileHelpers.5.0.0.snupkg