Clocking system for companies using a Raspberry Pi and a RFID-RC522 Module.
The application is in a very early phase, just for testing RFID tags. The next step is to develop a web service for data synchronization and on which to run queries.
In this early version, you need a .csv file with the employes data with this structure:
id_number,Name Surname
: Run the Clock In - Clock Out
: Use for write a new ID in a RFID tag.
- Install mfrc522 library with
sudo pip install mfrc522
(or usingpip3
) - Active SPI Interface in
sudo raspi-config
- RPi library is included with Raspberry OS. Just update (you know,
sudo apt update
->sudo apt upgrade
) - Run scripts using python 3.x
This is the pin configuration for RFID-RC522 Module:
RC522 Pin | RaspPi Pin |
3.3V | Pin 1 |
RST | Pin 22 |
GND | Pin 6 |
MISO | Pin 21 |
MOSI | Pin 19 |
SCK | Pin 23 |
SDA | Pin 24 |
"If you walk in front my door and don't even say goodbye,
what you leave me you take, you are not better than me."
— Vladimir Tkachenko