A Python library to interface with the audio being played on a Windows computer.
Built using CPython extensions on top of some C++ code that interfaces with WASAPI to get the current audio stream and gets some information about that audio stream.
- Windows SDK 10.0.19041.0
- Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
- Python 3.10 or higher
- NumPy (version unknown)
If you want to download directly from the GitHub repository, start by cloning or downloading this repository into a local folder. Then you can use pip to install the library like this:
pip install --user C:\Users\username\PythonLoopback
Make sure the last folder in the path is referring to the folder created by git clone.
You can also download this project from PyPI using:
pip install --user PythonLoopback
- Gets the amplitude of the system audio
- Parameters: None
- Return type: double
- Records an audio buffer for a specified duration
- Parameters: duration - the time to record an audio buffer for in seconds (double)
- Return type: 2-dimensional ndarray with 2 columns, first is the left channel audio, second is the right channel audio
This library was developed in Visual Studio 2019 with the v142 platform toolset. The Windows SDK is 10.0.19041.0, I have no idea if it works with any other SDKs. I have tested using Python 3.10.5 and 3.10.4 (both 64-bit runtime), as well as 3.7.9 (32-bit runtime). It should be compatible with anything above Python 3.7.9, but I haven't tested that yet.
This program simply prints out the current amplitude:
from PythonLoopback import get_current_amplitude
while True:
amp = get_current_amplitude()
This program records a 1 second buffer and replays it after 5 seconds (requires the simpleaudio library):
from PythonLoopback import record_buffer
import simpleaudio as sa
import time
audio_buffer = record_buffer(1.0)
print("Recorded buffer, playing back in 5s")
play_obj = sa.play_buffer(audio_buffer, 2, 2, 48000)