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TEMP: commit geocat config
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jahow committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent fd31fc5 commit afd20f0
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 43 deletions.
101 changes: 58 additions & 43 deletions conf/default.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,25 +6,21 @@
# This URL (relative or absolute) must point to the API endpoint of a GeoNetwork4 instance
geonetwork4_api_url = "/geonetwork/srv/api"
datahub_url = "/datahub"
# This should point to a proxy to avoid CORS errors on some requests (data preview, OGC capabilities etc.)
# The actual URL will be appended after this path, e.g. : https://my.proxy/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fencoded.url%2Fows`
# This is an optional parameter: leave empty to disable proxy usage
proxy_path = ""
proxy_path = "/geonetwork/proxy?url="
# This optional parameter defines, in which language metadata should be queried in elasticsearch.
# Use ISO 639-2/B ( format to indicate the language of the metadata.
# Setting to "current" will use the current language of the User Interface.
# If not indicated, a wildcard is used and no language preference is applied for the search.
# metadata_language = "current"
metadata_language = "current"
# This optional URL should point to the login page that allows authentication to the datahub.
# If not indicated, the default geonetwork login page is used.
# The following three placeholders can be part of this URL:
# - ${current_url}: indicates where the current location should be injected in the constructed login URL (eg. start, end)
# - ${lang2}, ${lang3}: indicates if and where the current language should be part of the login URL in language 2 or 3 letter code
# Example to use the georchestra login page:
# login_url = "/cas/login?service=${current_url}"
# logout_url = "/geonetwork/signout"
# settings_url = "/geonetwork/srv/\${lang3}/admin.console#/organization/users?userOrGroup="
login_url = "/geonetwork/srv/${lang3}/catalog.signin?redirect=${current_url}"
# This optional URL should point to the static html page wc-embedder.html which allows to display a web component (like chart and table) via a permalink.
# URLs can be indicated from the root of the same server starting with a "/" or as an external URL. Be conscious of potential CORS issues when using an external URL.
# The default location in the dockerized datahub app for example is "/datahub/wc-embedder.html".
Expand All @@ -34,10 +30,7 @@ proxy_path = ""
# This optional parameter defines the languages that will be provided in a dropdown for the user to translate the UI.
# Available languages are listed here: (
# More information about the translation can be found in the docs (
# languages = ['en', 'fr', 'de']

# Enables displaying a "contact block" wherever relevant in applications
# contact_email = ""
languages = ['en', 'fr', 'de', 'it']


Expand All @@ -46,77 +39,70 @@ proxy_path = ""
# - for font families:
# - for background:
primary_color = "#c82850"
secondary_color = "#001638"
main_color = "#555" # All-purpose text color
primary_color = "#f19330"
secondary_color = "#0071ae"
main_color = "#212029" # All-purpose text color
background_color = "#fdfbff"

# These optional parameters indicate which background should be used for the main header and the text color used
# on top of the background. The color should be chosen to contrast well with the background (defaults to white).
# Note: The search header does not use the header_foreground_color as it allows futher customisation via HTML.
# header_background = "center /cover url('assets/img/header_bg.webp')" or "var(--color-gray-500)"
# header_foreground_color = 'white'
header_background = "linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 0%, var(--color-secondary) 100%)"
header_foreground_color = 'inherit'

# This optional parameter allows to override the fallback image that should be used for thumbnails,
# if the metadata record has no thumbnail image url or it is broken.
# thumbnail_placeholder = 'assets/img/my_custom_placeholder.png'

# These optional parameters allow changing fonts used in the app
# main_font = "'My Custom Font', fallback-font"
# title_font = "'My Custom Title Font', fallback-font-title"
# fonts_stylesheet_url = ";700&family=Permanent+Marker&display=swap"

# Use it to set custom location for the favicon; by default, the path `/favicon.ico` will be used
# favicon = "assets/favicon.ico"
main_font = "'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif"
title_font = "'Public Sans', sans-serif"
fonts_stylesheet_url = ""


# This section contains settings used for fine-tuning the search experience

# Optional; specify a GeoJSON object to be used as filter: all records contained inside the geometry will be boosted on top,
# all records which do not intersect with the geometry will be shown with lower priority; can be specified as URL or inline
# Note: if the GeoJSON object contains multiple features, only the geometry of the first one will be kept!
# filter_geometry_url = ""
# filter_geometry_data = '{ "coordinates": [...], "type": "Polygon" }'

# The advanced search filters available to the user can be customized with this setting.
# The following fields can be used for filtering: 'organization', 'format', 'publicationYear', 'standard', 'inspireKeyword', 'keyword', 'topic', 'isSpatial', 'license', 'resourceType', 'representationType', 'producerOrg', 'publisherOrg'
# If not configured, the default values are 'organization', 'format', 'publicationYear', 'topic', 'isSpatial', 'license'
# Note that some links in the datahub app set an 'organization' filter. So this field is needed to allow unsetting such filters.
# advanced_filters = ['organization', 'format', 'publicationYear', 'topic', 'isSpatial', 'license']
# The following fields can be used for filtering: 'publisher', 'format', 'publicationYear', 'standard', 'inspireKeyword', 'topic', 'isSpatial', 'license'
# any other field will be ignored
advanced_filters = ['topic', 'publisher', 'contact', 'keyword', 'resourceType', 'representationType', 'format']

# One or several search presets can be defined here; every search preset is composed of:
# - a name (which can be a translation key)
# - a sort criteria: either `createDate`, `userSavedCount` or `_score` (prepend with `-` for descending sort) (optionnal)
# - a sort criteria: either `createDate`, `userSavedCount` or `_score` (prepend with `-` for descending sort)
# - filters which can be expressed like so:
# [[search_preset]]
# name = 'filterByName'
# filters.q = 'Full text search'
# filters.organization = ['Org 1', 'Org 2']
# filters.publisher = ['Org 1', 'Org 2']
# filters.format = ['format 1', 'format 2']
# filters.documentStandard = ['iso19115-3.2018']
# filters.inspireKeyword = ['keyword 1', 'keyword 2']
# filters.topic = ['boundaries']
# filters.publicationYear = ['2023', '2022']
# filters.isSpatial = ['yes']
# filters.license = ['unknown']
# sort = 'createDate'
# [[search_preset]]
# name = 'otherFilterName'
# filters.q = 'Other Full text search'
# ...

# Search presets will be advertised to the user along the main search field.


# This section contains settings used for fine-tuning the metadata quality experience
# By default the widget is not activated to enable it, just add this parameter.
# enabled = true
# If u want to use metadata quality widget this configuration is required
# [[search_preset]]
# sort = "-createDate"
# name = 'filterByOrgs'
# filters.publisher = ['DREAL', 'atmo Hauts-de-France', 'blargz']
# [[search_preset]]
# name = 'Wind turbines'
# filters.q = 'wind'


Expand All @@ -131,8 +117,8 @@ background_color = "#fdfbff"

# Optional; URL template enabling to open map layers in an external viewer; if set, displays a button next to the map's layer drop down
# The template must include the following placeholders, which allow the datahub to inject the correct values when adding a layer to a viewer:
# ${service_url}: URL of the OWS or geojson file
# ${service_type}: Type of the OWS or geojson file; currently supported WMS, WFS, GEOJSON
# ${service_url}: URL of the OWS
# ${service_type}: Type of the OWS; currently supported WMS, WFS
# ${layer_name}: Name of the layer
# Be careful to use englobing single quotes, if your template syntax includes JSON (with double quotes)
# Examples:
Expand All @@ -144,9 +130,6 @@ background_color = "#fdfbff"
# Optional; if true, opens external viewer in new tab (default false)
# external_viewer_open_new_tab = false

# Optional; Will not tile WMS. False by default.
# do_not_tile_wms = false

# Optional; if true, the default basemap will not be added to the map.
# Use [[map_layer]] sections to define your own custom layers (see below)
# do_not_use_default_basemap = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,3 +175,35 @@ background_color = "#fdfbff"
# Welcome to <span class="text-primary">Organization</span>'s<br>
# wonderful <span style="font-size: 1.2em;">data catalogue</span>
# """
datahub.header.title.html = '<div class="flex justify-center sm:justify-start"><img src="assets/img/geocat-logo.png" class="h-20 sm:h-36 md:h-[10.5rem] -m-2"/></div>'
search.field.location.placeholder = 'ex: Berne'
datahub.header.organisations = 'Catalogues'
search.filters.publisher = 'Catalogues'
datahub.header.documentation = 'Documentation'
datahub.header.admin = 'Admin'
datahub.header.geonetwork = 'Geocat PRO'
datahub.header.title.html = '<div class="flex justify-center sm:justify-start"><img src="assets/img/geocat-logo.png" class="h-20 sm:h-36 md:h-[10.5rem] -m-2"/></div>'
search.field.location.placeholder = 'ex: Berne'
datahub.header.organisations = 'Catalogues'
search.filters.publisher = 'Catalogues'
datahub.header.documentation = 'Documentation'
datahub.header.admin = 'Admin'
datahub.header.geonetwork = 'Geocat PRO'
datahub.header.title.html = '<div class="flex justify-center sm:justify-start"><img src="assets/img/geocat-logo.png" class="h-20 sm:h-36 md:h-[10.5rem] -m-2"/></div>'
search.field.location.placeholder = 'ex: Berne'
datahub.header.organisations = 'Kataloge'
search.filters.publisher = 'Kataloge'
datahub.header.documentation = 'Dokumentation'
datahub.header.admin = 'Admin'
datahub.header.geonetwork = 'Geocat PRO'
datahub.header.title.html = '<div class="flex justify-center sm:justify-start"><img src="assets/img/geocat-logo.png" class="h-20 sm:h-36 md:h-[10.5rem] -m-2"/></div>'
search.field.location.placeholder = 'ex: Berne'
datahub.header.organisations = 'Cataloghi'
search.filters.publisher = 'Cataloghi'
datahub.header.documentation = "Documentazione"
datahub.header.admin = 'Admin'
datahub.header.geonetwork = 'Geocat PRO'

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