My name is Emiliano and I'm a developer living in Argentina. I'm a game && fullstack dev and like graphics programming a lot. Check my personal page to see latest stuff, made in HTMX and deployed over vercel, as most of my repos.
- A playdate game, a game I'm making to get familiar with LUA and console.
- Personal blog, named til, it's a node app that generates a static blog, currently developing it with til-utils, a Github Oauth App, and til-github-app, a Github App. The first one aims to create a new blog repo from a template (see til-template) and the second one is the bot manager of the created blog repository.
- jmod, a JSON -> HTML form library, currently doing it while streaming.
- textarea-ui, a little experiment with textareas to build the UI for my new personal page.
- ht-utils, if you play Hattrick, you may need this for looking your next season League.
-, bash script for exporting a node-base app repo to a new folder.