Welcome to the CBDB Data Summarization project repository! This project aims to provide visual summaries of the China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) data using effective visualization techniques. The data is also saved as CSV files.
This repository includes visualizations for the following aspects of the CBDB data:
- Dynasty-wise Person Count: Explore the distribution of collected individuals across different dynasties.
- Data Type Distribution: Visualize the distribution of data across various data types.
Visit the CBDB Data Summarization Demonstration to interact with the visualizations.
Wei ZHANG, CBDB Harvard Group/Visual Analytics and Intelligence Group, Zhejiang University
Yitian CHEN, Visual Analytics and Intelligence Group, Zhejiang University
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to use and share the content for non-commercial purposes, as long as you provide appropriate attribution and share any derivative works under the same license.