🎫 A list of awesome conferences
Note: This list is currently undergoing substantive changes. Take a look at the new conference entries; if you can, please help out by going through and filling out entries for the older conferences!
- What makes a conference awesome?
- Conferences
- Old Conferences List
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- A code of conduct that is explicitly mentioned and upheld. For more on why, see this.
- A great line up of talks.
- A recurring schedule.
- Diversity; both in the talks and in the community who attend.
- Grants for students and minorities.
- Accessibility for disabled persons: wheelchair access, interpreters or captioning, etc.
- Alcohol-free drink options.
- Quiet rooms and safe space.
Add your conferences below, using the Pull Request Template provided.
I'm a huge fan of the Code & Supply team, and this conference was everything awesome about their community group in conference form. - @RemyPorter
- Website: Last Year, the announcement for next year (and other, smaller conferences)
- Location: Pittsburgh, PA
- Date: August 2016, August 2018
- Has reminder mailing list: yes
- Twitter: @abstractionscon
- Attendees: @RemyPorter
- Video: Recap
The organizing team did an incredible job to have speakers from all over the world and from different parts of the Android community(Android team, Google Developer Experts, Developers strongly involved in the environment). - @jobot0
- Website: http://androidmakers.fr/
- Location: Paris, France
- Date: April 2017
- Has reminder mailing list: yes
- Twitter: @AndroidMakersFR
- Attendees: @jobot0
- Video: Youtube Channel
It was smashing. highly recommended. - @Annaleen
- Website: http://space.dentthefuture.com/
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Date: September, 2016
- Has reminder mailing list: yes.
- Twitter: @dent
- Twitter Hashtag: #DentSpace
- Tags: Space
- Attendees: @Annaleen
It invites international speakers from other countries, provides high-quality real-time translation of the talks. - @PeterDaveHello
- Website: http://jsdc.tw/
- Location: Taiwain
- Date: 2012-2016, presumably 2017
- Registration: TBA.
- Call for Presenters: TBA.
- Twitter: @jsdc_tw
- Tags: js, javascript, taiwain
- Notes or roundups: https://github.com/aar0nTw/jsdc2014-notes, https://github.com/substack/jsdc.tw-2014
- Attendees: @PeterDaveHello
If you see any conferences here that you like // have attended // will attend, please add them to the new list, above! Many hands makes light work.
- Foss4g // @foss4g
- Future Insights // @Future_Insights
- JS CodeRetreat // @jsCodeRetreat
- JSFest // @JavaScriptFest
- Medellin JS // @MedellinJS
- OpenVis Conf // @OpenVisConf
- Papers We Love // @papers_we_love
- Science Hack Day // @sciencehackday
- Symfony Live // @symfony_live
- React.js Conf // @vjeux
- Web Rebels Conf // @web_rebels
- !!Con // @bangbangcon
- Active Indgredients
- AlterConf // @AlterConf
- CakeFest // @cakephp
- CascadiaJS // @CascadiaJS
- Clojure/conj // @clojure_conj
- CppCon // @cppcon
- CSSConf Oakland // @CSSConfOak
- CSSConf US // @CSSConf US
- CSSDevConf // @CSSdevconf
- DanceJS // @oaklanddancejs
- DEFCON // @defcon
- DinosaurJS // @dinosaur_js
- DjangoCon US // @djangocon
- Dockerconf // @dockercon
- Edge Conf // @edgeconf
- EmberConf // @emberconf
- Facebook f8
- Forward JS // @forwardJS
- Geospatial Canada // @GeospatialCan
- Google I/O // @googledevs
- HTML5DevConf // @html5devconf
- JavaOne // @JavaOneConf
- JSConf (All) // @jsconf
- JSConf US // @JSConfUS
- KCDC // @kc_dc
- LamdaConf // @LambdaConf
- LibrePlanet // @fsf
- MidwestJS // @midwest_js
- NCDevCon // @ncdevcon
- NebraskaJS // @nejsconf
- ng-conf // @ngconf
- nodeconf // @nodeconf
- Node Summit // @NodeSummit
- Nodevember // @nodevember
- npmCamp // @npmcamp
- O'Reilly Fluent // @fluentconf
- O'Reilly Strata // @strataconf
- OaklandJS // @oaklandjs
- OpenWest // @openwestconf
- OSCON // @oscon
- Philly ETE
- PyCon // @pycon
- React Rally // @ReactRally
- RealtimeConf // @RealtimeConf
- RubyConf // @RubyConf
- SassConf // @SassConf
- Self Conference // @selfconference
- Space City JS // @SpaceCityConfs
- Strange Loop Conf // @strangeloop_stl
- Transhack // @TransH4CK
- TXJS // @txjs
- UtahJS // @utjs
- XOXO // @xoxox
- BrooklynJS // @brooklyn_js
- EmpireJS // @EmpireJS
- EmpireNode // @empirenode
- manhattan.js // @manhattan_js
- QueensJS // @queens_js
- WriteSpeakCode Workshop // @WriteSpeakCode
- Brazil JS Conf // @braziljs
- Conference CSS Brazil // @confcssbrasil
- CSSConf Argentina // @Css_Conf_AR
- Front in Aracaju // @frontinaracaju
- Front in BH // @frontinbh
- Front in Maceio // @frontinmaceio
- Front in POA // @frontinpoa
- Front in Recife // @frontinrecife
- Front in Sampa // @frontinsp
- JSConf Argentina // @jsconfar
- JSConf BR // @jsconfbr
- JSConf Colombia // @jsconfco
- JSConf Uruguay // @JSConfUY
- PyCon Argentina // @pyconar
- PyCon Brasil // @pythonbrasil
- RSJS // @rs_js
- RubyConf Argentina // @rubyconfAR
- RubyConf Brasil // @rubyconfbr
- RubyConf Colombia // @RubyConfCo
- StarTechConf Chile // @startechconf
- Tableless Conference // @tableless
- AndroidMakers // @AndroidMakersFR
- AmsterdamJS Conference // @AmsterdamJS
- Arrrrcamp // @arrrrcamp
- Basta! // @bastacon
- Beyond Tellerrand // @btconf
- British Node Conf // @britishnodeconf
- CCC (Chaos Communication Camp) // @chaosupdates
- coldfrontconf // @coldfrontconf
- container.camp // @containercamp
- copenhagenjs // @copenhagenjs
- Cornerstone // @cornerstone
- Craft Conf // @CraftConf
- CSSconf Budapest // @cssconfbudapest
- CSSconf EU // @CSSconfeu
- CSSconf Nordic // @cssconfno
- csv,conf // @CSVConference
- Decentralize Camp // @decentamp
- DEVit // @devitconf
- Devoxx // @Devoxx
- DevTernity // @devternity
- dotCSS // @dotCSS
- dotGo // @dotGoEu
- dotJS // @dotJS
- dotScale // @dotScale
- dotSwift // @dotSwift
- dotSecurity // @dotSecurityio
- Ember Fest // @EmberFest
- Ethereum Devcon2
- eurucamp // @eurucamp
- EuRuKo // @euruko
- FOSDEM // @fosdem
- Front-Trends // @fronttrends
- FSCONS // @fscons
- FullStack Fest // @fullstackfest
- GreachConf // @greachconf
- JavaZone // @JavaZone
- JFokus // @Jfokus
- JRubyConf.EU // @jrubyconfeu
- JS Italian Conf // @jsconfit
- JSConf BP @jsconfbp
- JSConf EU @jsconfeu
- JSConf Iceland // @jsconfis
- jsist // @jsistorg
- JS Unconf // @jsunconf
- HumanTalks // @humantalks
- MoscowJS // @moscowjs
- Munich JavaScript UF // @munichjs
- ng-europe // @ngEurope
- ng-nl // @ngnlconf
- oscal // @openlabsalbania
- NodeConf Europe // @nodeconfeu
- Paris-Web // @parisweb
- PolyConf // @polyconfhq
- React Amsterdam // @ReactAmsterdam
- ReactEurope // @ReactEurope
- RealtimeConf EU // @RealtimeConfEu
- Redecentralize // @redecentralize
- Reject.JS // @RejectJS
- RigaDevDays // @rigadevdays
- Rubyslava // @rubyslava
- ScotlandJS // @ScotlandJS
- SFK // @FLOSSKosova
- Squatconf
- WebExpo // @webexpo
- CSSConf Asia // @CSSconfasia
- Jing JS (京JS) // @jingjsconf
- JSConf Asia // @jsconfasia
- JSFoo India // @jsfooindia
- JSChannel India // @jsfooindia
- NodeConf India // @NodeConfin
- PyCon India // @pyconindia
- Null Con India // @nullcon
- FOSSASIA // @fossasia
- PyCon Taiwan // @PyConTW
- FUDCON India // @fudconin
- RubyConf India // @rubyconfindia
This conference looks awesome, because Awwwards sets the tone for a lot of great webdesign. I would love to go to this. - @RichardLitt
- Website: http://conference.awwwards.com
- Location: Los Angeles, NY, London.
- Date: May, 2017
- Has reminder mailing list: Yes
- Twitter: @awwwards, @awwwardsNYC
- Tags: design
- Attendees: Add your name if you've gone.
This conference was awesome because...
- Website: http://backboneconf.com/
- Location: Boston, MA
- Dates: 2012-2014
- Twitter: @backboneconf
- Tags: backbone
- Attendees: Add your name if you attended.
This conference looks awesome because of the speakers, and because it is hosted by the great Bocoup. - @RichardLitt
- Website: CSSConf
- Location: US: Boston, EU, AU, Asia, Oakland, Budapest, Nordic, Argentina
- Date: September, 2016.
- Has reminder mailing list: Yes.
- Twitter: @cssconf
- Tags: css
- Attendees: Add your name if you've gone.
This conference is awesome because it brings the whole Go community in India at once place and has a great line-up of speakers.- @nikhita
- Website: GopherConIndia
- Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India.
- Date: February, 2017.
- Has reminder mailing list: No.
- Twitter: @GopherConIndia
- Twitter Hashtag: #GCI17
- Tags: golang.
- Videos: GCI17.
- Attendees: Nikhita Raghunath.
- awesome-speaking
- gitpitch - Markdown Presentations For Everyone on GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. https://gitpitch.com.
- Public speaking tips from @Macintux.
These sites list open calls for speakers.
- Call to Speakers
- Lanyrd.com
- Papercall
- Technically Speaking
- IT CFP List - List of IT conferences Call For Papers, changes are also published via Twitter @ItCfpList.
How to host stuff.
- AndroidStudyGroup
- awesome-django#conferences. The conferences section from a curated list of awesome Django apps, projects and resources.
- awesome-software-craftsmanship conferences
- Big Conference List from @joshsimmons.
- Cocoa Conferences List of cocoa conferences for iOS & OSX developers.
- watson/conferences List of awesome conferences from @watson.
- Interdisciplinary Open Source Community Conferences by @maxogden.
- Conferences list by @jakarella on Twitter.
- php conferences in fall 2015
- planetruby/awesome-events. A collection of awesome Ruby events (meetups, conferences, camps, etc.) from around the world.
- totalism.org. Events of interest for tactical hacker, theory, avant-art scenes in space-time.
This was seeded initially from @brittanystoroz's Twitter list. The O-Reilly
folder is the dedicated front end where you can filter through all of the conferences listed by @joshsimmons on his excel sheet. Initial work on this list was done by @Stephn-R.
Would you like to be a maintainer? Please ping me! I'm looking for more.
Please do! Check out the Contributing file, and open an issue!
To the extent possible under law, Richard Littauer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.