It's that time of year again! Time to get rewarded for contributing to the Open Source community! Did you know that there are multiple tech companies that participate in Hacktoberfest and give away sweet, sweet swag?
This repo seeks to document all of the companies giving away swag for Hacktoberfest 2021 and how you can get your hands on some free gifts for your time and help.
Right now, we're getting ready for Hacktoberfest 2021! Let's make this the best Hacktoberfest yet!
Hacktoberfest is about making meaningful contributions to open source projects. SPAM for the sake of a T-shirt will not be tolerated
First, sign up for Hacktoberfest 2021 by clicking this link Then, read about how to participate in a meaningful way in the FAQ.
See to see how to format your pull request to add a company's swag to the List!
Appwrite is an official sponsor of Hacktoberfest 2021 as well as the Hacktoberfest Swag List repository!
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers
- Requirements: 4 pull requests in any eligible repository
- How to sign up: Hacktoberfest Website
- Notes: For your PR to count it must be:
- Submitted in a public repo, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer, OR
- The PR is labelled as
- Submitted in a repo labelled
, AND- Merged, OR
- Approved
- Submitted in a public repo, AND
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers, water-bottle, hoodie and a surprise box
- Requirements:
- 1 Merged PR - Appsmith Stickers
- 2 Merged PRs - Appsmith Stickers, Water Bottle
- 3 Merged PRs - Appsmith Stickers, Water Bottle, Appsmith T-Shirt
- 4 Merged PRs - Appsmith Stickers, Water Bottle, Appsmith Hoodie
- 4 Merged PRs + - Appsmith Surprise Box
- How to sign up: Register here
- Issues: Hacktoberfest issues
- Notes: Documentation and content contribution is also accepted. More info available on their blog here
- Swag: Limited Edition T-shirts, Stickers & Coffee Mugs!
- Requirements: Contribute to open hacktoberfest issues, Build a demo app, Write a blog post or Create a tutorial.
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
topic. - Swag Tiers
- 1 accepted PR - OG Appwrite Stickers
- 2 accepted PRs - Limited Edition Sticker Pack + previous tier
- 3 accepted PRs - Limited Edition Coffee Mug + previous tier
- 4+ accepted PRs - Limited Edition T-Shirt + previous tier
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
- How to sign up: Join our Discord server and checkout the
channel. - Notes:
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer, OR - The PR is approved by a maintainer OR
- The PR is merged by a maintainer
- The PR is labelled as
- A Blog post counts as 2 PRs
- A Demo app counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- A Tutorial counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- Issues: List of Hacktoberfest Issues
- Swag: ArchivesSpace swag bag
- Requirements: Become top contributor on ArchivesSpace repo.
- How to sign up: No additional sign up is required.
- Notes: Read their blog post here. To learn more about submitting a pull request for ArchivesSpace specifically, visit their wiki.
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers, bonus swag
- Requirements: Submit valid Pull Requests to close Issues labelled
in AutoDL repositories. - How to sign up: Join AutoDL's Slack Workspace and start contributing!
- Issues: Check out the Issues at Auto-DL/Auto-DL!
- Notes:
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers
- Requirements:
- Contribute to any eligible repo during the month of October.
- Swag Tiers
- 1 accepted PR - super ghoul sticker pack
- 2+ accepted PRs - wicked Bridgecrew t-shirt + previous tier
- How to sign up: Check out the Bridgecrew website for more details.
- Notes:
- Use this form to claim swag.
- Swag: Bitrise Success magnet, Bitrise socks, Purr Request plushie.
- Requirements:
- Contribute to eligible repo during the month of October.
- Once all of your PRs have received the
label, fill out their form with links to your PRs and shipping details, so they can send you an amazing swag pack!
- Issues:
- Bitrise engineers have selected a couple of open issues that are ideal for first-time contributors.
- They fall into the following categories:
- Bugfixes
- Performance or UI improvements
- Minor enhancements
- How to sign up: Check out the Bitrise Hacktoberfest 2021 website for more details.
- Notes:
- Contribute with four or more pull requests to any of our open issues labeled Hacktoberfest.
- Use this form to claim swag.
- Please note that projects in the bitrise-io organization are not part of Hacktoberfest.
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers
- Requirements: 4 pull requests to any of the following repos:, camunda-modeller and the Camunda community hub
- How to sign up: Check out the Camunda website for more details
- Notes:
- For your PR to count it must be:
- Submitted in a Camunda repo, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer
- Once your PR's are approved fill out the submission form here
- For your PR to count it must be:
- Swag: T-shirt
- Requirements: 1 pull requests to the Codedamn Hacktoberfest repo after completing the project below.
- How to sign up: Check out the Codedamn website for more details
- Notes: Must complete the a project listed above, then submit the PR to their repo (in that order)
- Swag: At least 3 stickers and a webcam cover. T-shirt for the top contributors.
- Requirements: 1 merged pull request in an eligible repo to get at least 3 stickers and a webcam cover (limited to 100 sets). The 10 best contributions get a t-shirt in addition to that.
- How to sign up: Submit to the repositories either via PR on GitHub or via patch file by email and register using the form before November 4, 2021.
- Issues: datenanfragen
- Notes: Read the blog post for more details. Learn more about their non-profit and their mission to help people exercise their right to privacy.
- Swag: Stickers (limit 40)
- Requirements: Contribute code to the Earthly open source build tool or contribute an Earthfile build to any public repo.
- How to sign up: Grab an issue and complete your PR after accepted please fill out this form.
- Notes: If you need any assistance, join their Slack channel. See their Blog post for more details.
- Swag: T-Shirts, Mugs, Vouchers, Limited Edition "The North Face®" Jackets!
- Requirements:
- 2 merged/accepted PRs: Flyte Mug
- 3 merged/accepted PRs or a video: Flyte T-Shirt
- Full-fledged integration or a blog: Voucher or "The North Face®" Flyte Jacket
- If your contribution adds value to Flyte heavily, they will customize your swag and add you as a Flyte contributor!
- How to sign up: Fill out this form after you are done with either of the challenges, on or before October 31st, 2021. Join Flyte's Slack
channel if you have any questions. - Issues: Hacktoberfest-tagged Flyte issues
- Notes: Check out their blog for more info. The first 15 contributors will get a mug irrespective of the number of merged pull requests.
- Swag: T-shirt
- Requirements:
- Contribute to two pull requests in any in any eligible repo during the month of October.
- Ensure that at least one pull request is merged.
- How to sign up: Check out the Globo website for more details.
- Notes: Only the first 100 people residing in Brazil will receive the t-shirt.
- Swag: T-shirt
- Requirements: Submit a valid pull requests to any of these issues and have it accepted/merged.
- How to sign up: Fill this form after raising a pull request
- Issues: Check out the Issues here
- Notes: For more details, read this blog
- Swag: Custom mechanical keyboard, Limited edition stickers
- Requirements:
- 1+ contributions to the Mattermost community: Limited edition stickers
- Top contributors: Custom mechanical keyboard
- How to sign up: Check out the Mattermost website for more details
- Notes: Check out the Mattermost handbook for Hacktoberfest and their community colab server
- Swag: Special Edition T-Shirts, Stickers. The best PR submission gets to win an Oculus VR Headset.
- Requirements: Atleast 1 merged PR in OpenEBS repo.
- How to sign up: No additional sign up is required.
- Issues: Refer to there issues here
- Note: Read their blog post here and here
- Swag: reusable insulated water bottle, stickers
- Requirements: 4 or more pull requests in any eligible repository, including one pull request in MeiliSearch eligible repositories
- How to sign up: Check out MeiliSearch blogpost for more details
- Issues: Good first issues
- Notes: Check out MeiliSearch blogpost for more details
- Swag: drone, stickers pack, t-shirt, keyboard
- Requirements:
- 1 merged PR to receive a sticker pack & a digital Milvus contributor badge.
- 2+ merged PRs to receive a sticker pack, a digital Milvus contributor badge, and a Milvus T-shirt (only for the first 50 participants).
- A Logitech Pro X Keyboard and a physical Hacktoberfest badge if recognized as Top Contributor (Best Quality PR).
- A DJI Drone if you complete at least 1 PR merged with the issue tagged #advanced and is awarded the Grand Prize (Most Difficult PR).
- How to sign up: Check out Milvus website for more details
- Issues: Milvus code, Milvus documentation, Milvus Golang API reference
- Notes: Check out Milvus website for more details
- Swag: Shirts, Socks, Stress balls, bottle openers and more
- Requirements: Contribution can be in any of these forms:
- Create a repo of anything you find fun or neat about NativeScript (small or large).
- Create a video showing off your NativeScript skills.
- Post a PR for an issue in any NativeScript Repository
- Share a gist of neat NativeScript code you find useful.
- Create a NativeScript plugin.
- How to sign up: Tweet about your contribution and mention @NativeScript, then DM us with your address to get free swag.
- Issues: For making PR's check these Native Script Hactoberfest repositories
- Notes: Sending swags all around the world. To know more check NativeScript Blog
- Swag: Stickers
- Requirements: Make 1 successful PR to repo fixing an Issue tagged with
and get a free set of three stickers. - How to sign up: Direct communication with project maintainer
- Issues: Check the repo
- Notes: Project maintainers are working on this project in their free time, as explained here
- Swag: T-shirt
- Requirements: Make 1 successful PR to an Ory repo and get a free T-shirt.
- How to sign up: Check out the Ory Corp tweet for more details.
- Notes: Check out the Hacktoberfest topic in Ory repositories
- Swag: PayPal socks, TimBuk2 Parkside Backpack
- Requirements:
- 1+ contributions to PayPal open source (first 20 contributors): PayPal socks
- 1 randomly selected contributor will get a backpack
- How to sign up: Simply submit your PR for an issue labeled "hacktoberfest" in one of PayPal's repos
- Issues: Check the repos list on the PayPal Hacktoberfest page
- Notes: Check out the PayPal Hacktoberfest page for more details
- Swag: Amazon Gift Cards
- Requirements:
Contribute in any of the repositories here StackBuilders Github marked with hacktoberfest topic.
- 1pt for each issue opened
- 2pts for each PR opened
- 5pts for successfull PR merge by the maintainers
- After completing PR fill the required form stack_builders form
- How to sign up: Check this blog Stack Builders.
- Issues: Check organization StackBuilders Github on Github and look for hacktoberfest topic marked repository.
- Notes: Checkout more here Stack builders post to get more info about contributions.
- Swag: Some limited edition Supabase swag, possibly t-shirt based on their swag from last year.
- Requirements: Join their Discord server, build a new open-source project with Supabase or contribute to one of our supabase-community projects that have the hacktoberfest topic and submit your contribution by Oct 10, 2021
- How to sign up: Join their Discord server
- Notes: More details can be found here
- Swag: T-Shirt
- Requirements: Track your contributions to ensure 2 pull requests are accepted in one of the projects.
- How to sign up: Submit your PRs to Zup's Open Source projects' issues. For Zup projects, upon approval of the PRs you will receive a form and can request the shirt if you already have 2 pull requests approved in one of the Zup projects: Charles CD, Ritchie CLI, Beagle or Horusec.
- Issues: Check Issues
- Notes: Redeem your T-Shirt after ensuring 2 PRs at Zup Website
- Requirements: Contribute to open hacktoberfest issues, Build a demo app, Write a blog post or Create a tutorial.
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
topic. - Swag Tiers
- 1 accepted PR - OG Appwrite Stickers
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
- How to sign up: Join our Discord server and checkout the
channel. - Notes:
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer, OR - The PR is approved by a maintainer OR
- The PR is merged by a maintainer
- The PR is labelled as
- A Blog post counts as 2 PRs
- A Demo app counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- A Tutorial counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- Issues: List of Hacktoberfest Issues
- Requirements: Contribute to any eligible repo during the month of October.
- Swag: stickers
- 1 PR - super ghoul sticker pack
- How to sign up: - Use this form to claim swag.
- Notes: Check out the Bridgecrew website for more details.
- Requirements: 1+ contributions to the Mattermost community
- Swag: Limited edition stickers
- How to sign up: Check out the Mattermost website for more details
- Notes: Check out the Mattermost handbook for Hacktoberfest and their community colab server
- Requirements: Create one or more merged pull requests on the Appsmith Repo
- 1 merged PR: Stickers
- Swag: Stickers
- How to sign up: Register here
- Issues: Hacktoberfest issues
- Notes: Documentation and content contribution is also accepted. More info available here
- Requirements: 1 pull requests to the Codedamn Hacktoberfest repo after completing the project below.
- Swag: T-shirt
- How to sign up: Check out the Codedamn website for more details
- Notes: Must complete the a project listed above, then submit the PR to their repo (in that order)
- Requirements:
- Eligible repositories include most repos of the datenanfragen organization. They are listed here.
- 1 merged pull request to get at least 3 stickers and a webcam cover (limited to 100 sets).
- Swag: At least 3 stickers and a webcam cover; maybe a t-shirt (see below).
- How to sign up: Submit to the repositories either via PR on GitHub or via patch file by email and register using the form before November 4, 2021.
- Issues: datenanfragen
- Notes: Read the blog post for more details. Learn more about their non-profit and their mission to help people exercise their right to privacy.
- Requirements: Contribute code to the Earthly open source build tool or contribute an Earthfile build to any public repo.
- Swag: Stickers
- How to sign up: Complete your PR after accepted please fill out this form. All PRs that are contributing value will get an Earthly sticker!
- Issues: Grab an issue
- Notes: If you need any assistance, join their Slack channel. See their Blog post for more details.
- Requirements:
- Contribute to two pull requests in any in any eligible repo during the month of October.
- Ensure that at least one pull request is merged.
- Swag: T-shirt
- How to sign up: Check out the Globo website for more details.
- Notes: Only the first 100 people residing in Brazil will receive the t-shirt.
- Requirements: Atleast 1 merged PR in OpenEBS repo.
- Swag: Special Edition T-Shirts, Stickers.
- How to sign up: No additional sign up is required.
- Issues: Refer to there issues here
- Note: Read their blog post here and here
- Requirements: Submit a valid pull requests to any of these issues and have it accepted/merged.
- Swag: T-shirt
- How to sign up: Fill this form after raising a pull request
- Issues: Check out the Issues here
- Notes: For more details, read this blog
- Requirements:
- Contribute to the eligible repos: Milvus code, Milvus documentation, Milvus Golang API reference during the month of October.
- Ensure that at least one pull request is merged.
- Swag: sticker pack, a digital Milvus contributor badge.
- How to sign up: Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Notes: - Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Requirements: Contribution can be in any of these forms:
- Create a repo of anything you find fun or neat about NativeScript (small or large).
- Create a video showing off your NativeScript skills.
- Post a PR for an issue in any NativeScript's Repository
- Share a gist of neat NativeScript code you find useful.
- Create a NativeScript plugin.
- Swag: Shirts, Socks, Stress balls, bottle openers and more
- How to sign up: Tweet about your contribution and mention @NativeScript, then DM us with your address to get free swag.
- Issues: For making PR's check these Native Script Hactoberfest repositories
- Notes: To know more check NativeScript's Blog.
- Requirements: Make 1 successful PR to repo fixing an Issue tagged with
and get a free set of three stickers. - Swag: 3 stickers
- How to sign up: Direct communication with project maintainer
- Issues: Check the repo
- Notes: Project maintainers are working on this project in their free time, as explained here
- Requirements: Make 1 successful PR to an Ory repo and get a free T-shirt.
- Swag: T-shirt
- How to sign up: Check out the Ory Corp tweet for more details.
- Notes: Check out the Hacktoberfest topic in Ory repositories
- Requirements: 1 approved pull request for a "hacktoberfest" issue in one of PayPal's repos
- Swag: PayPal socks, TimBuk2 Parkside Backpack (socks limited to first 20 contributors, one random contributor gets a backpack)
- How to sign up: Simply submit your PR for an issue labeled "hacktoberfest" in one of PayPal's repos
- Issues: Hacktoberfest repos/issues
- Notes: Check out the PayPal Hacktoberfest page for more details
Requirements: Contribute in any of the repositories here StackBuilders Github marked with hacktoberfest topic.
Swag: Amazon Gift Cards
- 100$
- 75$
- 50$
How to sign up:
- Check this blog Stack Builders.
- After completing PR fill the required form to claim the swags stack_builders form
Notes: Checkout more here Stack builders post to get more info about contributions.
- Requirements: Contribute to open hacktoberfest issues, Build a demo app, Write a blog post or Create a tutorial.
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
topic. - Swag Tiers
- 1 accepted PR - OG Appwrite Stickers
- 2 accepted PRs - Limited Edition Sticker Pack + previous tier
- 3 accepted PRs - Limited Edition Coffee Mug + previous tier
- 4+ accepted PRs - Limited Edition T-Shirt + previous tier
- At least 1 accepted pull request in any eligible repository under the Appwrite organization with the
- How to sign up: Join our Discord server and checkout the
channel. - Notes:
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer, OR - The PR is approved by a maintainer OR
- The PR is merged by a maintainer
- The PR is labelled as
- A Blog post counts as 2 PRs
- A Demo app counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- A Tutorial counts as 2 PRs ( or more based on complexity )
- For your PR to count it must be submitted to one of the eligible Appwrite repositories, AND
- Issues: List of Hacktoberfest Issues
- Requirements: Contribute to any eligible repo during the month of October.
- Swag
- 2+ accepted PRs - wicked Bridgecrew t-shirt + previous tier
- How to sign up: Use this form to claim swag.
- Notes: Check out the Bridgecrew website for more details.
- Requirements: 4 pull requests to any of the following repos:, camunda-modeller and the Camunda community hub
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers
- How to sign up: Check out the Camunda website for more details
- Notes:
- For your PR to count it must be:
- Submitted in a Camunda repo, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer
- Once your PR's are approved fill out the submission form here
- For your PR to count it must be:
- Requirements: 4 pull requests in any eligible repository
- Swag: T-shirt, stickers
- How to sign up: Hacktoberfest Website
- Notes: For your PR to count it must be:
- Submitted in a public repo, AND
- The PR is labelled as
by a maintainer, OR
- The PR is labelled as
- Submitted in a repo labelled
, AND- Merged, OR
- Approved
- Submitted in a public repo, AND
- Requirements: Create two or more merged pull requests on the Appsmith Repo
- 2+ merged PR: Stickers, Water Bottle, T-Shirt
- Swag: Appsmith Stickers, Water Bottle, Appsmith T-Shirt
- How to sign up: Register here
- Issues: Hacktoberfest issues
- Notes: Documentation and content contribution is also accepted. More info available here
- Requirements: Contribute to an eligible repo during the month of October to any of their open issues labeled Hacktoberfest.
- Swag: Bitrise Success magnet, Bitrise socks, Purr Request plushie.
- How to sign up: Check out the Bitrise Hacktoberfest 2021 website for more details.
- Notes:
- Use this form to claim swag.
- Please note that projects in the bitrise-io organization are not part of Hacktoberfest.
- Requirements:
- 2 merged/accepted PRs: Flyte Mug
- 3+ merged/accepted PRs or a blog/video: Flyte T-Shirt
- Full-fledged flytekit integration or a blog: Voucher or The North Face® jacket
- How to sign up: Fill out this form after you are done with either of the challenges, on or before October 31st, 2021. Join Flyte's Slack
channel if you have any questions. - Issues: Hacktoberfest-tagged Flyte issues
- Notes: Check out their blog for more info.
- Requirements: 4 or more pull requests in any eligible repository, including one pull request in MeiliSearch eligible repositories
- Swag: reusable insulated water bottle, stickers
- How to sign up: Check out MeiliSearch blogpost for more details
- Issues: Good first issues
- Notes: Check out MeiliSearch blogpost for more details
Milvus (a sticker pack, a digital Milvus contributor badge, and a Milvus T-shirt (only for the first 50 participants))
- Requirements: 2+ pull requests merged.
- Swag: a sticker pack, a digital Milvus contributor badge, and a Milvus T-shirt (only for the first 50 participants).
- How to sign up: Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Issues: Milvus code, Milvus documentation, Milvus Golang API reference
- Notes: Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Requirements: Track your contributions to ensure 2 pull requests are accepted in one of the projects.
- Swag: T-Shirt
- How to sign up: Submit your PRs to Zup's Open Source projects' issues. For Zup projects, upon approval of the PRs you will receive a form and can request the shirt if you already have 2 pull requests approved in one of the Zup projects: Charles CD, Ritchie CLI, Beagle or Horusec.
- Issues: Check Issues
- Notes: Redeem your T-Shirt after ensuring 2 PRs at Zup Website
- Requirements: Create five or more merged pull requests on the Appsmith Repo
- 5+ merged PR: Surprise Box
- Swag: Surprise Box
- How to sign up: Register here
- Issues: Hacktoberfest issues
- Notes: Documentation and content contribution is also accepted. More info available here
- Requirements: Become the top contributor.
- Swag: ArchivesSpace Swag Bag.
- How to sign up: No additional sign up is required.
- Notes: Read their blog post here. To learn more about submitting a pull request for ArchivesSpace specifically, visit their wiki.
- Requirements: Submit valid Pull Requests to close Issues labelled
in AutoDL repositories. - Swag: T-shirt, stickers, bonus swag
- How to sign up: Join AutoDL's Slack Workspace and start contributing!
- Issues: Check out the Issues at Auto-DL/Auto-DL!
- Notes:
- Requirements:
- Eligible repositories include most repos of the datenanfragen organization. They are listed here.
- T-shirts are given out for the 10 best contributions as chosen by the maintainers.
- Swag: At least 3 stickers and a webcam cover (see above); T-shirt for top contributors.
- How to sign up: Submit to the repositories either via PR on GitHub or via patch file by email and register using the form before November 4, 2021.
- Issues: datenanfragen
- Notes: Read the blog post for more details. Learn more about their non-profit and their mission to help people exercise their right to privacy.
- Requirements: Top contributors will receive a custom mechanical keyboard.
- Swag: Custom mechanical keyboard
- How to sign up: Check out the Mattermost website for more details
- Notes: Check out the Mattermost handbook for Hacktoberfest and their community colab server
- Requirements: Atleast 1 merged PR in OpenEBS repo.
- Swag: Special Edition T-Shirts, Stickers. The best PR submission gets to win an Oculus VR Headset.
- How to sign up: No additional sign up is required.
- Issues: Refer to there issues here
- Note: Read their blog post here and here
- Requirements:
- A Logitech Pro X Keyboard and a physical Hacktoberfest badge if recognized as Top Contributor (Best Quality PR).
- A DJI Drone if you complete at least 1 PR merged with the issue tagged #advanced and is awarded the Grand Prize (Most Difficult PR).
- Swag: A Logitech Pro X Keyboard and a physical Hacktoberfest badge, or a DJI drone.
- How to sign up: Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Issues: Milvus code, Milvus documentation, Milvus Golang API reference
- Notes: Check out Milvus website for more details.
- Requirements: Join their Discord server, build a new open-source project with Supabase or contribute to one of our supabase-community projects that have the hacktoberfest topic and submit your contribution by Oct 10, 2021.
- Swag: Some limited edition Supabase swag, possibly t-shirt based on reward from last year.
- How to sign up: Join their Discord server
- Notes: More details can be found here
Disclaimer: This website is a fan and community made creation. It is not affiliated with Hacktoberfest or any company offering swag.
If you're looking for the Swag List from 2018, 2019, or 2020 click here for the GitHub releases, click here for the tags, and see the 2018, 2019, and 2020 branches.