Level-1B geolocation website for users of NASA/NOAA's remote sensing instruments, primarily GOES-R ABI and GLM. Our goal is to facilitate simple storage, delivery, and exploration of geolocation characterization results.
This is a dummy version of the website. Not all of the code is here. The website is not yet public but some version will be someday. Thank you, beauracracy.
Make sure you are able to find the following Perl modules.
If the database tables do not exist, run the SQL script
psql < schema.sql
Then run the following Perl scripts to fill the tables.
This should take no more than an hour.
You should see the following tables when you enter PostgreSQL.
gcstdb=> \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | g16_ccr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g16_ccr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g16_ffr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g16_ffr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g16_metricsfile | table | gcstdb
public | g16_nav_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g16_nav_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g16_ssr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g16_ssr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g16_wifr | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ccr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ccr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ffr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ffr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g17_metricsfile | table | gcstdb
public | g17_nav_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g17_nav_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ssr_ew | table | gcstdb
public | g17_ssr_ns | table | gcstdb
public | g17_wifr | table | gcstdb
public | req | table | gcstdb
>>> morbo gcst.pl
This will assign a port 3000. To stop Morbo, you need to Control+C in the running terminal.
>> hypnotoad gcst.pl
This will assign a port, defaulting to 8080. It can be different, but for rest of document we will assume 8080.
In your PuTTY Configuration window, go to Connection->SSH->Tunnels and fill in the following
Source port: 8080
Destination: machine:8080
Type the command, replacing YOURID and MACHINE
ssh -L 8080:machine:8080 YOURID@MACHINE
In any web browser, go to localhost:8080/
>> hypnotoad -s gcst.pl
To test any changes you made to the code while in hypnotoad mode, you will need to stop and restart the hypnotaod session.
Main Page:
Dashboard Form:
Dashboard Plot:
User-Defined Plot:
GOES-R Publications: