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enhanced TensorAlgebra type stability
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chakravala committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 7bd6a37 commit af45c5e
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Showing 3 changed files with 105 additions and 51 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "AbstractTensors"
uuid = "a8e43f4a-99b7-5565-8bf1-0165161caaea"
authors = ["Michael Reed"]
version = "0.7.10"
version = "0.8.0"

Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ StaticVectors = "1"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
DirectSum = "22fd7b30-a8c0-5bf2-aabe-97783860d07c"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"

test = ["Test","DirectSum"]
151 changes: 103 additions & 48 deletions src/AbstractTensors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,79 +25,79 @@ module AbstractTensors
# universal root Tensor type, Manifold

TensorAlgebra{V} <: Number
TensorAlgebra{V,T} <: Number
Universal root tensor type with `Manifold` instance parameter `V`.
Universal root tensor type with `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
abstract type TensorAlgebra{V} <: Number end
abstract type TensorAlgebra{V,T} <: Number end
TensorAlgebra{V}(t::TensorAlgebra{V}) where V = t
TensorAlgebra{V}(t::TensorAlgebra{W}) where {V,W} = (VW)(t)
Base.@pure istensor(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = true
Base.@pure istensor(t) = false

Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Manifold{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Basis parametrization locally homeomorphic to `^n` product topology.
Basis parametrization locally homeomorphic to `T^n` product topology.
abstract type Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V} end
abstract type Manifold{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T} end
Base.@pure ismanifold(t::T) where T<:Manifold = true
Base.@pure ismanifold(t) = false

TensorGraded{V,G} <: Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra
TensorGraded{V,G,T} <: Manifold{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra
Graded elements of a `TensorAlgebra` in a `Manifold` topology.
Grade `G` elements of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
abstract type TensorGraded{V,G} <: Manifold{V} end
abstract type TensorGraded{V,G,T} <: Manifold{V,T} end
const TAG = (:TensorAlgebra,:TensorGraded)
Base.@pure isgraded(t::T) where T<:TensorGraded = true
Base.@pure isgraded(t) = false

Scalar{V} <: TensorGraded{V,0}
Scalar{V,T} <: TensorGraded{V,0,T}
Graded scalar elements of a `TensorAlgebra` in a `Manifold` topology.
Graded `scalar` elements of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
const Scalar{V} = TensorGraded{V,0}
const Scalar{V,T} = TensorGraded{V,0,T}

GradedVector{V} <: TensorGraded{V,1}
GradedVector{V,T} <: TensorGraded{V,1,T}
Graded vector elements of a `TensorAlgebra` in a `Manifold` topology.
Graded `vector` elements of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
const GradedVector{V} = TensorGraded{V,1}
const GradedVector{V,T} = TensorGraded{V,1,T}

Bivector{V} <: TensorGraded{V,2}
Bivector{V,T} <: TensorGraded{V,2,T}
Graded bivector elements of a `TensorAlgebra` in a `Manifold` topology.
Graded `bivector` elements of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
const Bivector{V} = TensorGraded{V,2}
const Bivector{V,T} = TensorGraded{V,2,T}

Trivector{V} <: TensorGraded{V,3}
Trivector{V,T} <: TensorGraded{V,3,T}
Graded trivector elements of a `TensorAlgebra` in a `Manifold` topology.
Graded `trivector` elements of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
const Trivector{V} = TensorGraded{V,3}
const Trivector{V,T} = TensorGraded{V,3,T}

TensorTerm{V,G} <: TensorGraded{V,G}
TensorTerm{V,G,T} <: TensorGraded{V,G,T}
Terms of a `TensorAlgebra` having a single coefficient.
Single coefficient for grade `G` of a `Manifold` instance `V` with scalar field `T`.
abstract type TensorTerm{V,G} <: TensorGraded{V,G} end
abstract type TensorTerm{V,G,T} <: TensorGraded{V,G,T} end
Base.@pure isterm(t::T) where T<:TensorTerm = true
Base.@pure isterm(t) = false
Base.isfinite(b::T) where T<:TensorTerm = isfinite(value(b))

TensorMixed{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
TensorMixed{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Elements of `TensorAlgebra` having non-homogenous grade.
Elements of `Manifold` instance `V` having non-homogenous grade with scalar field `T`.
abstract type TensorMixed{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V} end
abstract type TensorMixed{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T} end
Base.@pure ismixed(t::T) where T<:TensorMixed = true
Base.@pure ismixed(t) = false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,21 +158,22 @@ const volume = pseudoscalar
@inline isvolume(t::T) where T<:TensorGraded = rank(t) == mdims(t) || iszero(t)

Returns the internal `Values` representation of a `TensorAlgebra` element.
values(t::T) where T<:Number = t
values(t::T) where T<:AbstractArray = t
const value = values
value(t::T) where T<:Number = t
value(t::T) where T<:AbstractArray = t

valuetype(t::TensorAlgebra{V,T}) where {V,T} = T
Returns type of a `TensorAlgebra` element value's internal representation.
Base.@pure valuetype(::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra{V,K} where V where K = K
Base.@pure valuetype(::Type{<:TensorAlgebra{V,T} where V}) where T = T
Base.@pure valuetype(::T) where T<:Number = T
#Base.@pure valuetype(::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra{V,𝕂} where V where 𝕂 = 𝕂
Base.@pure valuetype(::Type{T}) where T<:Number = T

Base.real(::Type{T}) where T<:TensorAlgebra = real(valuetype(T))
Base.rtoldefault(::Type{T}) where T<:TensorAlgebra = Base.rtoldefault(valuetype(T))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ import AbstractLattices: ∧, ∨, wedge, vee

export TensorAlgebra, Manifold, TensorGraded, Distribution, expansion, metric, pseudometric
export Scalar, GradedVector, Bivector, Trivector, contraction, wedgedot, veedot, @pseudo
export istensor, ismanifold, isterm, isgraded, ismixed, rank, mdims, values, sandwich
export istensor, ismanifold, isterm, isgraded, ismixed, rank, mdims, sandwich, antimetric
export scalar, isscalar, vector, isvector, bivector, isbivector, volume, isvolume,hodge
export value, valuetype, interop, interform, involute, unit, unitize, unitnorm, even, odd
export , , , , , , , ×, , , , , ⁻¹, ǂ, ₊, ₋, ˣ, antiabs, antiabs2, geomabs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,16 +331,58 @@ Base.cosc(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra{V} where V = iszero(t) ? zero(V) : (x=(1
@inline Base.abs(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = Base.sqrt(Base.abs2(t))
@inline Base.abs2(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = (a=(~t)t; isscalar(a) ? scalar(a) : a)
@inline Base.abs2(t::T) where T<:TensorGraded = contraction(t,t)
@inline geomabs(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = Base.abs(t)+pseudoabs(t)
@inline norm(z) = LinearAlgebra.norm(z)
@inline LinearAlgebra.norm(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = norm(value(t))
@inline unit(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,Base.abs(t))
@inline unitize(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,value(pseudoabs(t)))
@inline unitnorm(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,norm(geomabs(t)))
@inline Base.iszero(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = LinearAlgebra.norm(t) 0
@inline Base.isone(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = LinearAlgebra.norm(t)value(scalar(t))1
@inline,b::B) where {A<:TensorGraded,B<:TensorGraded} = contraction(a,b)

Geometric norm defined as `geomabs(t) = abs(t) + pseudoabs(t)`.
@inline geomabs(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = Base.abs(t)+pseudoabs(t)

Normalization defined as `unit(t) = t/abs(t)`.
@inline unit(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,Base.abs(t))

Pseudo-normalization defined as `unitize(t) = t/value(pseudoabs(t))`.
@inline unitize(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,value(pseudoabs(t)))

Geometric normalization defined as `unitnorm(t) = t/norm(geomabs(t))`.
@inline unitnorm(t::T) where T<:Number = Base.:/(t,norm(geomabs(t)))

@pseudo fun(args...)
Use the macro `@pseudo` to make a pseudoscalar `complement` variant of any functions:
julia> @pseudo myfun(x)
pseudomyfun (generic function with 1 method)
Now `pseudomyfun(x) = complementleft(myfun(complementright(x)))` is defined.
julia> @pseudo myproduct(a,b)
pseudomyproduct (generic function with 1 method)
Now `pseudomyproduct(a,b) = complementleft(myproduct(!a,!b))` is defined.
macro pseudo(fun)
ant = Symbol(:pseudo,fun.args[1])
com = [:(complementright($(esc(fun.args[t])))) for t 2:length(fun.args)]
Expand All @@ -349,13 +392,32 @@ end

for fun (:abs,:abs2,:sqrt,:cbrt,:exp,:log,:inv,:sin,:cos,:tan,:sinh,:cosh,:tanh)
ant = Symbol(:pseudo,fun)
str = """
Complemented `$fun` defined as `complementleft($fun(complementright(t)))`.
@eval begin
export $ant
@doc $str $ant
@inline $ant(t::T) where T<:TensorAlgebra = complementleft(Base.$fun(complementright(t)))
const antiabs,antiabs2,pseudometric = pseudoabs,pseudoabs2,antimetric
pseudosandwich(a,b) = complementleft(sandwich(complementright(a),complementright(b)))

Defined as `complementleft(sandwich(complementright(x),complementright(R)))`.
pseudosandwich(x,R) = complementleft(sandwich(complementright(x),complementright(R)))

Defined as `complementleft(complementright(R)>>>complementright(x))`.
antisandwich(R,x) = complementleft(complementright(R)>>>complementright(x))

# postfix operators

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,14 +493,7 @@ const RealArray{N,T<:Real} = AbstractArray{T,N}

export TupleVector, Values, Variables, FixedVector

if haskey(ENV,"STATICJL")
import StaticArrays: SVector, MVector, SizedVector, StaticVector, _diff
const Values,Variables,FixedVector,TupleVector = SVector,MVector,SizedVector,StaticVector
Base.@pure countvalues(a::Int,b::Int) = Values{max(0,b-a+1),Int}(a:b...)
Base.@pure evenvalues(a::Int,b::Int) = Values{((b-a)÷2)+1,Int}(a:2:b...)
import StaticVectors: Values, Variables, FixedVector, TupleVector, _diff
import StaticVectors: SVector, MVector, SizedVector, countvalues, evenvalues
import StaticVectors: Values, Variables, FixedVector, TupleVector, _diff
import StaticVectors: SVector, MVector, SizedVector, countvalues, evenvalues

end # module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ using AbstractTensors
using Test, LinearAlgebra, DirectSum

# example data
struct SpecialTensor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V} end
struct SpecialTensor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V,Float64} end
a,b = SpecialTensor{ℝ}(), SpecialTensor{ℝ'}()
@test ndims(+(a)) == ndims(b)

Expand Down

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