#Docker OpenStack Swift Proxy Server
This is a docker file that creates an OpenStack swift proxy image. You can specify the object nodes' ip, port, and storage device. Furthermore, you can specify the ip address, path, and password of the machine where you want to scp the ring files (you can use specify same machine while launching object server container so that object server container can have updated ring file).
This Dockerfile uses supervisord to manage the processes. Dockerfile we will be starting multiple services in the container, such as rsyslog, memcached, and the required OpenStack Swift daemons for launching swift proxy.
hulk0@host1:~$ docker run -d -p 12345:8080 -e SWIFT_OBJECT_NODES=";;" -e SWIFT_PWORKERS=64 -e SWIFT_SCP_COPY=root@ -t alivt/swift-proxy
Over here, we mapped 8080 port of container to port 12345 on host.
We specified three nodes to be added as object servers. Please note that two of these containers are runing on same machine ( We separate them based on the object, account, and container port mapping from container to host, i.e., one container maps 6010:6010, 6011:6011, 6012:6012 whereas other container used 5010:6010, 5011:6011, and 5012:6012. Also note that we mentioned only one port and next two are calculated automatically by adding 1 and 2.
Similarly, storage device that container can use for storing the data in case of each container is also specified. Please, be sure you specify the correct device which has enough disk space. Using incorrect device can be catastrophic.
SWIFT_PWORKERS is used to set the proxy workers dynamically.
The ring files created at the proxy server needs to be copied to the object servers as well. SWIFT_SCP_COPY
contains the remote location path where ring files can be copied to so that we
can copy these files before launching object, container, and account servers on object servers. root@ is the remote path, whereas kevin is the scp password
At this point OpenStack Swift proxy is running.
hulk0@host1:~$ docker ps
f7bd815a49ee alivt/swift-proxy "/bin/sh -c /usr/loc 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>8080/tcp kickass_bohr
Next, we need to launch object server containers on the machines we specified. To launch object servers please look at the following: https://github.com/chalianwar/docker-swift-object
Once object server containers are up and running, we can use the swift python client to access Swift using the Docker forwarded port, in this example port 12345.
hulk0@host1:~$ swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat
Account: AUTH_test
Containers: 0
Objects: 0
Bytes: 0
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: keep-alive
X-Timestamp: 1450494080.48790
X-Trans-Id: tx8a5e8267911a4ac99f01c-0056a89c11
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Try uploading a file:
hulk0@host1:~$ swift -A -U test:tester -K testing upload swift swift.txt
That's it!