- A package help you to add github gist in react and next client side with username and avatar.
npm i "@myselfraj/react-nextjs-github-gist"
"use client"
import GitGist from "@myselfraj/react-nextjs-github-gist";
//Somewhere in component or page
<GitGist id={string} file={string} />
You can get the id from the Github url, kindly check the URL sample https://gist.github.com/{your_name}/{id}
If no props are passed to <GitGist id="MUST" />
, below is the default configuration applied.
file = "",
width = '100%',
height = '600px',
getProfile = 'false', //disables the feature that retrieves the avatar and name of the gist owner. Still you need to pass "UserName" manually, This Will depereacted in future releases to support UserName in advance Mode
userName = '' //pass the username of the gist owner
Currently, due to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) restrictions, I am unable to fetch the username from GitHub using the Gist API. However, I plan to find a solution for this in future releases. In the meantime, we will have to resort to manual work. That's why you need to pass the userName parameter manually.
- Fork the repo
- Make changes
- Create pull request
- We will review it and will merge it.
We are using Tsdx.
Thanks to tleunen's code.