This program provides flexibility analysis tools for protein structure ensembles via a graphical user interface (GUI).
Nevertheless, all tools are provided as separately executable Python or R scripts and can therefore be integrated in
custom in-house pipelines, without using the GUI.
For more details, please see section 'Operating instructions' below, as well as the additional
Input: The program and tools are particularly designed to work with heterogeneous pdb ensembles (non-identical
number of atoms or residues), but can also be used for homogenous ensembles (originating e.g. from molecular dynamics
simulations). The analysis will be performed for a single chain (monomeric) protein. If your protein of interest
contains several chains, they need to be split first (e.g. using the provided tool split_pdbs_bio3d.R
) and the
equivalent chains of the ensemble need to be placed together into one folder for analysis.
v1.0.0 (2024.07)
EnsembleFlex is basically composed of Python and R scripts that require several Python and R packages. You have different options for installing EnsembleFlex. Choose one of the following options depending on your expertise and required environment restrictions. Here is the list of options ordered from highest environment reproducibility to lowest:
- Using Docker - This is the most reproducible environment setup and comes with all benefits but also some
inconveniences of containers. (E.g. You will need to move your input pdb files into the mounted folder
(or subdirectories).) - [Recommended] Using the
file with Conda-lock or Micromamba - This provides also a highly reproducible environment, but can only be used on Mac or Linux systems (not for Windows). - [Recommended] Using the
file with Conda or Mamba to create the environment - This ensures package compatibility, but may give you slightly older package versions compared to the next option below. - Using the
file with Conda or Mamba to create the environment - This installs more recent versions of required packages, but be aware that with time some of them may become incompatible. - [NOT recommended] Installing all packages listed in the
manually on your system / in your custom environment - This is the highest customizable installation option, but you need to manage the package dependencies.
git clone
cd ensembleflex
docker build -t ensembleflex-image .
Attention Linux users!: Be aware that if you are on a linux system you need to run Docker commands as root (add sudo
in front of the docker ...
commands), or follow the documentation here
on how to use Docker without root permissions on linux.
docker run -d -it --name ensembleflex -p 8501:8501 -p 80:80 --volume ./docker-data:/app/docker-data ensembleflex-image
Then open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501/
. There you should see the graphical user interface.
Note that your input pdb files need to be put into ensembleflex/docker-data/
(or subdirectories),
as this is a mounted directory in the Docker image and will therefore be accessible from within the Docker container
and the user interface.
EnsembleFlex can be installed by cloning this repository and setting up an environment using your favourite environment
manager. (I recommend mamba
through miniforge).
Clone the repository and go to the EnsembleFlex folder:
git clone
cd ensembleflex
install with
(if you preferconda
, just replace 'mamba' with 'conda'):mamba env create -f environment.yml
Troubleshooting: If you encounter package incompatibilities try the next installation suggestion, which is the recommended way. If you are on Windows, replace
in the previous command. -
OR (recommended): On Linux or macOS: For an exact environment reproduction, to make sure that there are no package version inconsistencies, you can use the provided 'conda-lock' file (only on Linux or macOS). Be aware that this needs to be installed with the
conda-lock install
ormicromamba install
commands, asmamba/conda create
will ignore the pip package dependencies.-
using 'conda-lock' (will be installed):
mamba install -c conda-forge conda-lock conda-lock install --name ensembleflex --file conda-lock.yml
OR using 'micromamba' (to be installed):
micromamba install --name ensembleflex --file conda-lock.yml
Install the R package(s) not available from conda: This is particularly bio3d.eddm
. In case installation fails you can
still run EnsembleFlex, only ensemble Difference Distance Matrix (eDDM) calculations won't be available within ensemble
mamba activate ensembleflex
Rscript requirements.R
With conda/mamba installation EnsemblFlex can be used with the
browser based Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the
Command Line (see detailed documentation in
First, activate the environment:
mamba activate ensembleflex
For the browser-based graphical user interface run (replace path/to/
with yor local path):
streamlit run path/to/EnsembleFlex/src/streamlit_app/
The user interface should automatically open in a new tab of your default browser.
After launching the GUI the user needs to provide an input directory containing all (monomeric) ensemble structure
files that shall be analysed. Example input data is provided in the folder examples
The execution of provided tools will produce the following types of output files:
- analysis plots and graphs in png format,
- pdb structure files with modified coordinates or different information in the b-factor column,
- structure ensemble pdb files
- PyMol scripts (to be executed for visualization in PyMol)
The user is free to use any convenient structure visualisation tool to examine the structural output (except for the PyMol scripts, which are only executable with PyMol).
When using the graphical user interface analysis results are presented in a scrollable container which will appear when analysis is finished.
Please look into
for a detailed interpretation help and description of methods.
Primary tools and packages used in the workflow are:
- Bio3D (R package) - main flexibility analysis & prediction
- ProDy (Python package) - alternative main flexibility analysis & prediction
- Biopython (Python package) - SASA & radius of gyration analysis, data handling tools
- umap (R package) - UMAP projection
- cluster and clvalid (R packages) - clustering and cluster validation
- vanddraabe (R package - modified package provided in
) - conserved water analysis
for the user interface:
Settings: The user needs to provide input and output directories.
Structural superposing: The analysis result is in many cases (when coordinates are used) dependent on the relative superposition of the structures contained in the ensemble. Therefore, structural superposing (also known as structural alignment) needs to be performed prior to analysis. The user can directly supply a superposed ensemble, or choose one of the two provided superposing methods - from Bio3D (recommended) or ProDy.
Flexibility Analysis: Upon superposing the ensemble can be analysed using Bio3D tools (RMSD, RMSF, dimension reduction and projection with PCA and UMAP, ...) and Biopython tools (SASA, radius of gyration). (Additionally, equivalent ProDy tools are provided via a command line script.).
Binding Site Analysis [optional]: For binding site analysis the user has the option to perform a superposing on binding site residues only (recommended only when there is domain movement shifting the binding site). Again this is possible with Bio3D or ProDy. The user can also opt for using the globally superimposed structures (recommended in most minor-movement cases). The binding site analysis includes an automatised identification of the binding site (based on user-defined distance to ligands), a statistical analysis of the residues identified as binding site (occurrence), as well as an all-atom flexibility analysis.
Conserved Water Analysis [optional]: A conserved water analysis can be performed, which takes into account all waters from all provided structures, produces a statistical analysis based on clustering with a detailed data output as Excel sheet and overall statistic analysis plots, as well as an additional PyMol script dedicated to the binding site of the reference structure (if this contains a ligand).
Flexibility Prediction [optional]: Additionally, there is the option to perform flexibility prediction on the reference structure based on elastic network model Normal Mode Analysis (NMA) on C-alpha coarse grained or all-atom representations as input, as well as Essential Site Scanning Analysis (ESSA) on the reference structure.
├── docker-data
│ └── examples
│ └── COX2-h_P35354_7
├── documentation
│ ├── OutputDirectoryStructure.rtf
│ └──
├── conda-lock.yml
├── environment.yml
├── environment_versioned.yml
├── external_packages
│ └──
├── requirements.R
└── src
├── analyse_conserved_waters.R
├── analyse_flex_binding_site_bio3d.R
├── analyse_flex_bio3d.R
├── identify_binding_site_bio3d.R
├── predict_flex_aanma_bio3d.R
├── predict_flex_nma_bio3d.R
├── superimpose_binding_site_bio3d.R
├── superimpose_bio3d.R
├── streamlit_app
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├──
│ └──
└── tools
├── data_on_structure.R
├── sort_pdbs_has_ligand.R
├── split_pdbs_bio3d.R
- Findable: The EnsembleFlex code is available on GitHub and on GitLab, where the Docker image is also available in the Container Registry and the tool is listed at Elixir
- Accessible: All code is available on GitHub and can be installed via Conda environment manager or simply
executed as Docker image.
Documentation is provided via this
file and an
file. - Interoperable: The code is constructed in a building block manner, where all steps of the workflow can be
executed independently via command line execution of scripts having a consistent execution syntax (see
), ensuring for customizability and interoperability. - Reusable: All provided scripts are well documented with execution information in the file headers. The provided scripts are wrapped into a complete workflow, executable through a browser-based graphical user interface, that does not require any coding experience. Environment reproducibility is achieved through installation with a conda-lock file and full isolation through Docker.
This program is distributed under a permissive open source licence
(MIT). A copy is provided in file LICENSE
The author Melanie Schneider can be contacted at
Funding was provided to Melanie Schneider as ARISE Fellowship from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945405.