@EnableReyClient @ReyClient
@EnableFallback @Fallback
@Resource private ReyTemplate reyTemplate;
1. @Fallback not dependent on remote call, can add fallback on any class
2. @ReyClient, call remote service, if get exception, will respond exception message with
status 222, while actual status in message body
3. If deploy many copies of a set of microservices, how to route to the service?
public class FooRouter implements GroupRouter{
public String replaceHolder(){
return "#xxx#";
public String replaceValue(Object obj) {
// See the demo:
// Anyway, coding to ensure all the data only in the dbs connected by the target services
// each set of services connect diffent db and cache, one set include: storage, db, cache,
// and your program
// all in docker, all in k8s, set/k8s namespace
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
@ReyClient(value = "http://${}/xxx", groupRouter = FooRouter.class)
public interface barRemote {
String test();
# when write/read db, sharding db can't support more TPS
# we set the k8s namespace: prod_0, prod_1, prod_2 ....
# k8s ingress to front service(no connection to DB), front service call service-demo
# by this way, one set of services' TPS is 10000, deploy 10 sets, TPS become almost 100000
1. annotation Fallback And CircuitBreaker(resilience4j) on the same class:
@CircuitBreaker(name = "soo")
@Fallback(fallback = SooFallback2.class, ignoreExceptions = {
public class SooController {
// ...
2. annotation Fallback on class, while CircuitBreaker(resilience4j) on a method of the class:
@Fallback(fallback = SooFallback2.class, ignoreExceptions = {
public class SooController {
@CircuitBreaker(name = "soo")
public String aaaaa() {
return null;