Capture the Flag sandbox opposing AI teams
This starts a game with the default AI on both sides.
make runExample
This also starts a game with the default AI on both sides, but maybe you prefer using make. :)
make runAstar
This starts a game with two AIs using A*.
The program can be started with :
./ <path_to_player1>
or even :
./ <path_to_player1> <path_to_player2>
When unspecified, the default AI will be selected for the missing parameter.
The path to your player is an import statement for your AI which has to implement domain.Player.
For example, if you create your own AI under ./ai/myAwesomeAI/
, then test it with :
./ ai.myAwesomeAI.player
Be careful : Your player's class must always be named 'myPlayer', and has to extend 'Player'.
make tests
Use these default key bindings to toggle different Debug views :
- A : Toggle collision map preview for the default bots
- Z : Display the coordinates of the currently hovered block in the top left of the screen