Our Chatbot is an app that helps you find local services in Toronto like free meals offered at drop-ins or shelters based on your specific real-time needs, location, and situation. The app also allows you to share valuable tips among other members and bookmark your personalized results for future reference on-the-go. You can find more information about Amplelabs at amplelabs.co
- Adam Kerr
- Daniel Cho, daniel@amplelabs.co
- Matthew Wong, matt@amplelabs.co
- Go to https://amplelabsbot-codebuilddeploy-au35j9j-webappbucket-1dvh6599n8mcp.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html
- Currently only one skill is available and is only available in Toronto, ON Canada; type "free meal"
- When asking when do you want your meals, you can type "Now" if you are looking for one now or specify specific date and time
- After you specify time, enter your location, and the chatbot will output nearest soup kitchens near by the location
- Install npm to the required version (check the
project file) - Recommended: Setup AWS named profiles: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-multiple-profiles.html
- Configure serverless for AWS: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials/
- Run the setup script at
npm test
- This is a manual step.
- Log into the AWS control panel
- Configure the correct lexbot to use the necessary lambda
Slot Name | Slot Type | Required |
mealNow | Custom | true |
Date | AMAZON.DATE | true |
Time | AMAZON.TIME | true |
Interaction | AMAZON.PostalAddress | true |
Latitude | AMAZON.NUMBER | false |
Longitude | AMAZON.NUMBER | false |
ShowMore | Custom | false |
Confirmed | Custom | false |