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Migration script for Launch Public GitHub

Takes our existing repos and migrates them to the new Launch Public GitHub Organization (launchbynttdata) with some defaults.


NOTE: Even if you previously configured a PAT for use with launch-cli, you must follow these steps.

  1. Create a fine-grained PAT following the steps here for the nexient-llc organization.
  2. Export the PAT to your shell with the following command:
  1. Create a fine-grained PAT following the steps here for the launchbynttdata organization.
  2. Export the PAT to your shell with the following command:
  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. From the cloned folder, execute the following commands:
python3.11 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Migration Workflow

By using this the script, you will be effectively performing the following actions:

  • Creating a local subdirectory called work if it does not already exist.
  • Creating a GitHub connection to both nexient-llc and launchbynttdata using a personal access token
  • Cloning the source repository to the work directory. If it has already been cloned, it will be deleted and recloned fresh.
  • Running make configure in the source repository.
  • Performing static file replacements:
    • Copies files from the templates/ directory into the source repository
    • Removes some common unused files from the source repository -- commitlint.config.js, test.tfvars and example.tfvars from the root, test.tfvars from the tests folder
  • Performing dynamic replacements:
    • Updates the go.mod version to 1.21
    • Removes .git from the module name in go.mod (the .git is not allowed but was sometimes found in our repos)
    • Performs a find-replace on all text (anything that isn't a binary) files in the repository
      • Find/replace values are the keys/values in the globally-scoped REPLACEMENTS dictionary in
      • Find/replace will not descend into directories matching the names of those in the globally-scoped DISCOVERY_FORBIDDEN_DIRECTORIES dictionary in
    • If go.mod or go.sum are touched as part of this replacement process, go.sum is deleted and go mod tidy is run to regenerate it.
    • Updates versions on our TF references (in any file) to be 1.0.0
  • git add all files and git commit with the message "Migrate repository from old GitHub organization."
  • Adding a remote named migration_target to the source repository in the work directory, pointing at the launchbynttdata destination.
  • Pushing to the migration_target remote
  • Tagging your push 1.0.0
  • Archiving the source repository in the nexient-llc organization.

Migration Order

Generally speaking, we need to migrate primitive modules first, followed by library modules if applicable, followed by collections and finally reference modules.

flowchart LR;

To that end, I have included the dependency_diagrams folder with some autogenerated dependency graphs showing the dependencies for Azure modules. Do your best to ensure you've migrated dependencies of a module before starting on that module, by doing so you'll decrease the likelihood of errors during the process.

Pre-Migration Checklist

For all repositories, consider the following items prior to performing a migration:

  • All pull requests should be merged or closed
  • The main branch contains all changes to be migrated (no outstanding non-merged branches)
  • [Best Effort] - All dependencies are migrated. See the dependency_diagrams folder and determine if your repo has dependencies

Migrating a Repository

To migrate a repository, call the script with the name of the repository to be migrated.

If the destination repository's name is different (renamed due to naming conventions), supply the destination name as well.

python3.11 <source_repo_name> [<destination_repo_name>]

NOTE: Do not execute the script; it performs setup and teardown operations around the migration as a whole and should not be executed by anyone actively migrating repositories.

A blank repository (without any branches) must exist in the launchbynttdata organization for the migration to occur. If the repo you wish to migrate does not already exist, please reach out to Chris to have this resolved.

If you run into a failure (see next section) and need to abort a migration, the script will remove the temporary repository it cloned and reclone it on the next run. If you wish to preserve file modifications between runs of the script, you will need to manually add/commit/push your changes to the new organization (not recommended).

Handling Migration Failures

The script has some built-in error handling for retrying operations where possible. Since many of our modules rely on other modules (via their examples) that may not yet exist in the new GitHub organization, some failures during the process are expected!

Here's what you can expect to see in the logs when a failure occurs during the add/commit phase:

2024-03-20 17:46:24 CDT migration INFO Deleting /Users/chris.taylor/code/github/github-scripts/migration/work/tf-azurerm-module_primitive-monitor_diagnostic_setting/go.sum
2024-03-20 17:46:24 CDT migration INFO About to run go mod tidy in /Users/chris.taylor/code/github/github-scripts/migration/work/tf-azurerm-module_primitive-monitor_diagnostic_setting...
2024-03-20 17:46:25 CDT migration INFO Successfully ran go mod tidy
2024-03-20 17:46:25 CDT migration INFO Adding changes and committing
2024-03-20 17:46:49 CDT migration ERROR Failure when calling <function add_and_commit at 0x107532480>. This operation can be retried or bypassed!
Terraform validate.......................................................Failed

  • hook id: terraform_validate
  • exit code: 1

'terraform init' failed, 'terraform validate' skipped: examples/diagnostic_setting
Error: Failed to download module

│ on line 25:
│ 25: module "log_analytics_workspace" {

│ Could not download module "log_analytics_workspace" ( source
│ code from
│ "git::":
│ error downloading
│ '':
│ /opt/homebrew/Cellar/git/2.40.1/libexec/git-core/git exited with 128:
│ Cloning into '.terraform/modules/log_analytics_workspace'...
│ remote: Repository not found.
│ fatal: repository
│ ''
│ not found

This repository missing is completely expected, as it hasn't been migrated to the new organization yet. If all the failures you experience for a single module are failures to download modules like the above, you are clear to continue migrating this repo. If you experience any other sort of failure, please let Chris know immediately!

At the very bottom of the failure message, you will be prompted for an action:

Detect secrets...........................................................Passed'
Please enter 'abort', 'retry', or 'bypass':

Upon entering bypass and pressing Enter, you should receive confirmation that the migration completed:

Please enter 'abort', 'retry', or 'bypass': bypass
2024-03-20 17:50:58 CDT migration INFO Adding changes and committing
2024-03-20 17:50:58 CDT migration INFO Success!
2024-03-20 17:50:58 CDT migration INFO Added migration_target remote for
2024-03-20 17:50:58 CDT migration INFO Pushing updated repository to launchbynttdata/tf-azurerm-module_primitive-monitor_diagnostic_setting
2024-03-20 17:50:59 CDT migration INFO Success!
2024-03-20 17:50:59 CDT migration INFO Setting archived = True for nexient-llc/tf-azurerm-module_primitive-monitor_diagnostic_setting
2024-03-20 17:51:00 CDT migration INFO Migration complete! Repo is now available at launchbynttdata/tf-azurerm-module_primitive-monitor_diagnostic_setting

Abort and Retry

If you wanted to halt the migration rather than proceeding (say you got a different error and need to investigate), you can provide abort and the script will exit without completing the migration.

If you think you can resolve an error by making changes on the filesystem, simply allow the script to wait for input, make your changes, and then issue retry to have the script reattempt the given step.


Migration Helper Script







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