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CI Release

A dynamic DNS client for DNSExit registered domains.

This client was built according to the DNS API Guide.
Currently, only updates to existing A records are supported.
Before using this client you must create an DNSExit DNS API key.



Binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows 64-bit architectures can be found on the releases page.

Homebrew Tap

brew install christiantragesser/tap/dnsexit

Container Image


Linux Install Package

64-bit architecture DEB and RPM packages can be found on the releases page.


$ dnsexit -h
Usage of dnsexit:
  -domains string
    	DNSExit domain names
  -interval int
    	Time interval in minutes (default 10)
  -ip string
    	Desired A record IP address
  -key string
    	DNSExit API key


$ dnsexit -domains <dnsexit domain> -key <API key>

The values for domains and key can also be configured using environment variables.
CLI flag values take precedence over environment variable values.

$ export DOMAINS="<dnsexit domain>"
$ export API_KEY="<API key>"
$ dnsexit

Container Instance

$ docker run -d christiantragesser/dnsexit-ip-update -domains <dnsexit domain> -key <API key>


$ docker run -d -e DOMAINS="<dnsexit domain>" -e API_KEY="<API key>" christiantragesser/dnsexit-ip-update


Multiple DNSExit Domains
Multiple DNSExit registered domains can be managed by the same A record information by providing a comma deliniated list of hostnames for the domains value.

$ dnsexit -domains,, -key <API key>

Check Interval
By default, IP update checks happen in 10 minute intervals.
This cadence can be changed by using the -interval flag with a value of the desired interval in minutes.

$ dnsexit -domains <dnsexit domain> -key <API key> -interval 20

The interval value can also be configured by setting the environment variable CHECK_INTERVAL.

Preferred IP Address
By default, the client configures DNS A record updates using a discovered egress IP address.
Use the -ip flag with a desired IP address to override the discovered IP address value.

$ dnsexit -domain <dnsexit domain> -key <API key> -ip

The ip value can also be configured by setting the environment variable IP_ADDR.