Puppet apache_storm module
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with apache_storm
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Authors - Who is contributing to do it
- License
This is a Puppet module to manage Apache Storm.
With this module you can installs, configures, and manages the Apache Storm services.
This module were designed to work with:
- Debian OS Family and Redhat OS Family
- Puppet version >= 3.8.0
- Apache Storm version >= 1.0.0
Execute the following command in your puppet server:
puppet module install christiangda-apache_storm
See Usage
You need to take this consideration before start with the module
- apache_storm module needs that you provison Java by your own way.
- Verified that you don't not have installed Apache Storm from your OS Package Manager.
apache_storm is a module designed to provision Apache Storm from its binary package downloaded from a mirror link. This module was designed to be independent from your system packages, so you need to be sure that you don't have installed Apache Storm from your OS package manager.
By default this module will install Apache Storm in the /opt/apache-storm
folder and create two symbolic links: /etc/apache-storm
and /var/log/apache-storm
. Is very recommended you add a extra volume and mount it in /opt
This module permit you to disable the service management, in case you want to use external tool, like supervisord
What apache_storm affects
├── current -> /opt/apache-storm/releases/apache-storm-1.0.2
├── releases
│ ├── apache-storm-1.0.1
│ │ ├── bin
│ │ ├── conf
│ │ ├── examples
│ │ ├── external
│ │ ├── extlib
│ │ ├── extlib-daemon
│ │ ├── lib
│ │ ├── log4j2
│ │ ├── logs
│ │ └── public
│ └── apache-storm-1.0.2
│ ├── bin
│ ├── conf
│ ├── examples
│ ├── external
│ ├── extlib
│ ├── extlib-daemon
│ ├── lib
│ ├── log4j2
│ ├── logs
│ └── public
├── sources
│ ├── apache-storm-1.0.1.tar.gz
│ └── apache-storm-1.0.2.tar.gz
└── storm_local_dir
/etc/apache-storm -> /opt/apache-storm/releases/apache-storm-1.0.2/conf
/var/log/apache-storm -> /opt/apache-storm/releases/apache-storm-1.0.2/logs
Debian Family
Redhat Family
This module requires that you provision Java. You can use a Puppet module from puppetforge to do that, or your OS Package manager.
For Java's version and provider see the recommendation in Apache Storm web page
Beginning with apache_storm
Use these steps if you already have a version of the firewall module installed.
puppet module install christiangda-apache_storm
Use these steps if you already have a version of the firewall module installed.
puppet module upgrade christiangda-apache_storm
in your manifest file
node 'storm.mynetwork.local' {
# if you are using puppet's java module
include java
# Using this apache_storm module
include ::apache_storm
::apache_storm::service { 'nimbus': }
::apache_storm::service { 'ui': }
::apache_storm::service { 'supervisor': }
::apache_storm::service { 'logviewer': }
::apache_storm::service { 'drpc': }
in your manifest file
node 'storm-nimbus.mynetwork.local' {
# if you are using puppet's java module
include java
# Using this apache_storm module
class { 'apache_storm':
ensure => 'present',
version => '1.0.2',
repo_base => 'http://apache.claz.org/storm',
config => {
'supervisor.slots.ports' => [6700, 6701, 6702, 6703, 6704],
'storm.zookeeper.servers' => ['zk-01.mynetwork.local', 'zk-02.mynetwork.local', 'zk-03.mynetwork.local'],
'client.jartransformer.class' => 'org.apache.storm.hack.StormShadeTransformer',
::apache_storm::service { 'nimbus':
manage_service => true,
service_ensure => 'present',
::apache_storm::service { 'ui': }
node 'storm-supervisor.mynetwork.local' {
# if you are using puppet's java module
include java
# Using this apache_storm module
class { 'apache_storm':
ensure => 'present',
version => '1.0.2',
repo_base => 'http://apache.claz.org/storm',
config => {
'supervisor.slots.ports' => [6700, 6701, 6702, 6703, 6704],
'storm.zookeeper.servers' => ['zk-01.mynetwork.local', 'zk-02.mynetwork.local', 'zk-03.mynetwork.local'],
'client.jartransformer.class' => 'org.apache.storm.hack.StormShadeTransformer',
::apache_storm::service { 'supervisor':
manage_service => true,
service_ensure => 'present',
::apache_storm::service { 'logviewer': }
::apache_storm::service { 'drpc': }
- Puppet
- Apache Storm
- Rubocop
- rspec-puppet
- puppet-blacksmith
- RSpec For Ops Part 2: Diving in with rspec-puppet
This module were designed to work with:
- Debian OS Family and Redhat OS Family
- Puppet version >= 3.8.0
- Apache Storm version >= 1.0.0
- Fork it / Clone it (
git clone https://github.com/christiangda/puppet-apache_storm.git; cd puppet-apache_storm
) - Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Install rvm
- Install ruby
rvm install 2.3
- Install ruby
rvm usage ruby-2.3.3
in my case - Install bundler app first (
gem install bundler
) - Install rubygems dependecies in .vendor folder (
bundle install --path .vendor
) - Make your changes / improvements / fixes / etc, and of course your Unit Test for new code
- Run the tests (
bundle exec rubocop && bundle exec rake test
) - Commit your changes (
git add . && git commit -m 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
This code has Unit Tests, and was builded using:
- Rubocop
- rspec-puppet
- puppet-blacksmith
- and others (see Gemfile)
Of course, bug reports and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.
You can also support my work on apache_storm via
This module is released under the Apache License Version 2.0: