- Developed with .Net Core MVC
- N-Tier Architecture
- Login System
- CRUD operations students and Courses
- Tracking students courses grade and discontinuity
- Courses Lecturers
Student Screen
Student Editing
Adding Course
Student Information for grades and discontinuity
Login Screen
Courses Screen
I added the database file as .mdf to the project files. After adding this to SQL Server, You need to replace the sql connection string with yours in the file.
WebOBSDbContext.cs file in the
WebOBS \ WebOBS.DataAccess \ Concrete \ EntityFrameworkCore folder
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=**WRITE YOUR OWN SQL SERVER HERE**;Database=ObsDB;integrated security=true;Connection Timeout=1800;MultipleActiveResultSets=True");
Same way, The connection string in the appsettings.json file in the
WebOBS \ WebObs.MVC folder is also you have to replace it with yours.
"DbConnection": "Server=**WRITE YOUR OWN SQL SERVER HERE**;Database=ObsDB;integrated security=true;Connection Timeout=1800;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
After running the program; For the Login; email: cihatfurkaneken@gmail.com Password: Cihat2020. (don't forget the point)
Although the register event is not required for the program. Maybe you would like to see and try the login system. I opened 2 records. If you want, you can open a new account with the registration system.
As a result of the features I added, in order for the record to be accepted, the password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, number and sign. If successful, it will redirect to the login page. If it fails, the register page is reloaded.
The [Authorize] attribute on the top of the files in the controller section adds that those parts cannot be accessed without logging in. If you delete it, you can access the pages without logging in. In case of that, it cannot be accessed without logging in.
The application is designed in Turkish but can be easily modified.