Let’s say you’ve gone on a weekend visit to Duluth. You went to a couple of breweries in the area: you liked some beers and you didn’t like others. You tell yourself that you’ve definitely got to remember this beer so you can pick some up when you get return home. You didn’t write anything down, but that’s all right: you’ll definitely remember.
You get back home and think nothing more about breweries and their products (once the bloating has gone), other than to appreciate the great time and fond memories you now have. You swing by the your local beer cave on your way home from work on Monday and realize there’s a problem: you’ve forgotten each and every one of the beers you tried, liked, and hated. Was it Bent Paddle or Castle Danger? Carmody? Canal Park? Fitgers?
Unable to remember, you grab a 6-pack at random from a brewery you think might be one of the ones you liked. Upon returning home, you crack the top, take a sip, and are filled with the immediate regret and frustration that accompanies your wrong choice. The worst part is, you know you’ll forget this beer too. You’re doomed to make the same mistake again.