A bad idea.
ersatz (adj.): made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.
See also datasette-ersatz-tablue-valued-functions.
Install this library using pip
pip install ersatz-table-valued-functions
This library lets you rewrite queries like:
SELECT root, square FROM tbl_squares(3)
into queries like:
WITH _ersatz_1 AS (
JSON_EXTRACT(value, '$[0]') AS "root",
JSON_EXTRACT(value, '$[1]') AS "square"
FROM JSON_EACH((SELECT tbl_squares(3)))
SELECT root, square FROM _ersatz_1
That is: it translates a query that looks like it needs a table-valued function into one that uses a scalar-valued function that returns a JSON 2D array.
To use it:
from ersatz_table_valued_functions import rewrite
rewrite('SELECT root, square FROM tbl_squares(3)', { 'TBL_SQUARES': ['root', 'square'] })
To contribute to this library, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:
cd ersatz-table-valued-functions
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:
pip install -e '.[test]'
To run the tests: