Releases: cldf-datasets/doreco
CLDF dataset derived from the DoReCo core corpus
If you use these data please cite
the original source
Seifart, Frank, Ludger Paschen & Matthew Stave (eds.). 2022. Language Documentation Reference Corpus (DoReCo) 1.2. Berlin & Lyon: Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR5596, CNRS & Université Lyon 2). DOI:10.34847/nkl.7cbfq779
the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version
Frank Seifart, Ludger Paschen, Matthew Stave, Robert Forkel, & Frederic Blum. (2024). CLDF dataset derived from the DoReCo core corpus (v1.2.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Please note that when citing this dataset, it is NOT sufficient to refer to DoReCo as a whole, but the full citation for each individual corpus must be provided, including the name(s) of the creator(s) of each corpus.
CLDF dataset derived from the DoReCo core corpus
If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Seifart, Frank, Ludger Paschen & Matthew Stave (eds.). 2022. Language Documentation Reference Corpus (DoReCo) 1.2. Berlin & Lyon: Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR5596, CNRS & Université Lyon 2). DOI:10.34847/nkl.7cbfq779
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version
Frank Seifart, Ludger Paschen, Matthew Stave, & Robert Forkel. (2023). CLDF dataset derived from the DoReCo core corpus (v1.2) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Please note that when citing this dataset, it is NOT sufficient to refer to DoReCo as a whole, but the full citation for each individual corpus must be provided, including the name(s) of the creator(s) of each corpus.