Skyfall is a simple game written in Python using the excellent Pygame project. The game allows the player to control a falling skydiver, dodging helicopters, and collecting points for flying through the clouds. The game is designed to be run on a macOS computer or on the web, and was built for Mission's 2024 AWS re:Invent contest on the show floor.
First, I recommend creating and activating a Python virtualenv
, using Python
3.10 or higher. Then, you can simply run:
pip install .
This will download all of the dependencies and install them into your virtual environment, enbabling you to run the game or build a distributable version as a binary or on the web.
If you want to run the game from the CLI, after installation you can simply run:
You control the Skydiver using the arrow keys on your keyboard. By default, when running locally, the game maintains a leaderboard inside an SQLite database. The leaderboard will be displayed in-game, and you can also print it out locally by running:
sqlite3 leaderboard.db < results.sql
The output is in an ASCII tabular format.
Skyfall's included Makefile
has a target named app
that uses
PyInstaller to create a distributable binary for
macOS. In their infinite wisdom, Apple has locked down the ability to run
self-built apps without going through a massive number of hoops, which I have
decided to skip, which makes things a bit less user-friendly, but is good
To build, run: make app
. Inside the application
folder will be a few shell
scripts and a hidden
bundle. You can run the game by either
double clicking on Skyfall
, or by executing it from the CLI. You can view the
latest leaderboard by double-clicking on Leaderboard
or running it from the
CLI. It drops a text file onto your desktop.
Skyfall's included Makefile
has a target named web
that uses
Pygbag to compile the game to
WebAssembly to play on the web. Simply run make web
, and it will build the
and serve it on localhost
. The files can be copied to a web server to
make publicly available.
The web version works great both with keyboard and touch interfaces on phones and tablets. When using touch, simply touch the left or right side of the screen to move the skydiver.
NOTE: the web build does not feature a leaderboard.